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Docs Updates

Screenshot of new MilestonePSTools docs home page

We've received some great feedback on the latest module release with the updates to the Import-VmsHardware and Export-VmsHardware commands. In our current development cycle (sprint), one of our goals was to improve the MilestonePSTools landing page and initial "onboarding" experience.

Updates to Import-VmsHardware

Screenshot of Excel showing the new CSV file headers and values

In the v24.1.9 relase of MilestonePSTools, the Import-VmsHardware and Export-VmsHardware cmdlets have been rewritten to use a much simpler CSV format, add support for updating existing hardware instead of only adding new hardware, and we now support extremely detailed exports and imports using Excel. Thanks to the ImportExcel module by Doug Finke, you don't even need Excel installed on the system running MilestonePSTools.

All About Stream Settings

Screenshot of a PowerShell terminal showing detailed stream settings

If you've never struggled with the difference between "H.264" and "h264" or "true" and "True", then you've never used Set-VmsCameraStream. Read on to learn about stream settings and how to configure them from PowerShell so that you can spend less time interpreting validation errors and more time on the important things.

Common Errors

The installation scripts provided here are designed to protect you from common errors when you install modules from PowerShell Gallery or run commands or scripts for the first time. Following are a collection of these errors so when you run into them, you'll know what to do!

PowerShell or ISE?

On an standard Windows operating system you typically have two choices for how to use PowerShell. More than that if you consider the x86 (32-bit) variants! When you're getting started, it's difficult to know which to use, and why. When you click the Start menu button or press your Windows key (Win), and type "powershell", here's what you get...

Start Menu screenshot showing PowerShell