This function can be used to automate the configuration changes needed for adaptive streaming, and for Milestone systems running version 2023 R2 or later, adaptive streaming can also be used when playing back recorded video as long as one stream has been selected for the secondary recording track.
Video is often recorded at a higher resolution than the display it is viewed on - especially when there are multiple cameras in the view. Many systems are still using 1080p displays with a maximum resolution of 1920x1080, but let's make the case for adaptive streaming even on a 4K display.
The standard resolution on a 4K display is 3840x2160, and we'll assume you are recording video at 5 megapixel, or around a resolution of 2592x1944. If you view 9 cameras at once in a 3x3 matrix on a 4K display, the video for each camera gets resized by the client application and displayed in a much smaller 1280x720 resolution tile which is effectively 1 megapixel. You're not even seeing 80% of the pixels your computer is receiving.
If we assume you are recording 10 frames per second, that is 360 million pixels worth of information per second that is being sent over the network to your computer, wasting bandwidth in the process. And once it gets to your computer, it takes a lot of work to decode that video - even if a GPU is providing some hardware accelerated assistance. You might find that your computer isn't able to decode and render 9 5MP H.264 streams at once.
With adaptive streaming enabled, your recording server will receive 2 or more streams from a camera, and one of them may be used for recording full resolution video while the other(s) can be much lower resolution such as 1280x720 or 720p. The client application can then receive the low resolution video until you maximize a single camera and the total area used to display the video is larger than the low resolution stream. At that point, the client can automatically switch to the high resolution stream.
This can enable you to display more video on the same hardware, or better yet - display the same video on much lower cost hardware. It is also a benefit for remote workers where the bandwidth between the client and server is too low to stream high resolution video effectively.
To setup adaptive streaming on a camera, you need to...
- Open the camera settings in Management Client.
- Add a second stream in the Streams tab.
- Set one stream as the default live stream (usually the lower resolution stream).
- Set one stream as the recorded stream, or "primary" recording track on version 2023 R2 and later.
- Optionally set one stream as the "secondary" recording track on version 2023 R2 and later, and usually mark this as the default playback stream.
- Review the stream properties in the settings tab for the enabled streams and make sure the codec, resolution, frame rate, and quality/bitrate make sense for your use.
These configuration steps can be tedious to do by hand, especially on more than a handful of cameras. This
function can save a lot of time by making the majority of these changes in bulk.
#Requires -Module @{ ModuleName="MilestonePSTools"; ModuleVersion="23.2.3" }
using namespace MilestonePSTools
function Set-AdaptiveStreaming {
Sets up additional streams for adaptive streaming
Sets up additional streams for adaptive streaming. The first stream gets set at maximum resolution and set as the Primary Record stream.
Each additional stream gets set at the next lowest resolution that is the same aspect ration as the stream #1. The last stream
(which will be the lowest resolution) is set as the default live stream. If -ConfigureAdaptivePlayback (supported on 2023 R2 and newer) is used,
it will also set the lowest resolution stream of the configured live streams to be the Secondary Record stream and also the default playback stream.
This script does not change the codec. If a stream only supports JPEG/MJPEG, then it won't be used. However, if a stream is set to JPEG/MJPEG but
supports other codecs, it will be used but the codec won't be changed. It is recommended to run a Get-VmsCameraReport to check if any streams are
configured for JPEG/MJPEG.
Set-AdaptiveStreaming -StreamsPerCamera 3 -FPS 15 -RecordingServerName "*"
Configures each camera for up to 3 streams (if a camera only supports 2 streams then only two are configured) on all Recording Servers and sets the frame rate to 15
Set-AdaptiveStreaming -StreamsPerCamera 1 -RecordingServerName "Milestone-Server"
Configures each camera for just one stream only on the Recording Server named "Milestone-Server". This one doesn't set the frame rate.
Set-AdaptiveStreaming -StreamsPerCamera 3 -RecordingServerName "*" -CameraName "Front Door Camera"
Configures 3 streams on a camera named "Front Door Camera"
Set-AdaptiveStreaming -StreamsPerCamera 3 -FPS 10 -RecordingServerName "Milestone-Server" -MaxResWidth 3840 -MinResWidth 1921
All cameras that have a maximum resolution width of 3840 and minimum resolution width of 1921 on Recording Server Milestone-Server will be configured with 3 streams and frame rate of 10.
Set-AdaptiveStreaming -StreamsPerCamera 3 -RecordingServerName * -ConfigureAdaptivePlayback
Configures up to 3 live streams on each camera on each Recording Server. The -ConfigureAdaptivePlayback configures a secondary recorded stream on the lowest resolution live stream and sets it as the default playback stream.
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')]
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification='Does not change system state')]
param (
[ValidateRange(1, 3)]
[ValidateRange(1, 60)]
$FPS = $null,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ResWidth')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ResWidth')]
begin {
$recs = Get-VmsRecordingServer -Name $RecordingServerName
if ($RecordingServerName -ne '*' -and $recs.Name -notcontains $RecordingServerName) {
Write-Warning 'Recording Server does not exist. Please check spelling and try again.'
if ($null -ne $CameraName -and $null -eq (Get-VmsCamera -Name $CameraName)) {
Write-Warning 'Camera does not exist. Please check spelling and try again.'
$defaultStreamsPerCamera = $StreamsPerCamera
process {
$svc = Get-IServerCommandService
$config = $svc.GetConfiguration((Get-VmsToken))
if ($RecordingServerName -eq '*') {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CameraName)) {
$camQty = $config.Recorders.Cameras.Count
} else {
$camQty = 1
} else {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CameraName)) {
$camQty = ($config.Recorders | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $RecordingServerName }).Cameras.Count
} else {
$camQty = 1
$camProcessed = 1
if ($null -ne $FPS) {
[decimal]$FPS = $FPS
foreach ($rec in $recs) {
foreach ($hw in $rec | Get-VmsHardware | Where-Object Enabled) {
foreach ($cam in $hw | Get-VmsCamera -EnableFilter Enable -Name $CameraName) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Configuring streams for camera $($camProcessed) of $($camQty) (or possibly less)" -PercentComplete ($camProcessed / $camQty * 100)
# Get all streams that support a codec other than just JPEG/MJPEG
$totalSupportedStreams = $cam | Get-VmsCameraStream -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.ValueTypeInfo.Codec.Value -ne 'JPEG' -and $_.ValueTypeInfo.Codec.Value -ne 'MJPEG' }
if ($totalSupportedStreams.Count -eq 0) {
} elseif ($totalSupportedStreams.Count -lt $StreamsPerCamera) {
$StreamsPerCamera = $totalSupportedStreams.Count
} else {
$StreamsPerCamera = $defaultStreamsPerCamera
$resolutions = $totalSupportedStreams[0].ValueTypeInfo.Resolution
$sortedResolutions = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]
foreach ($resolution in $resolutions.Value) {
$resW, $resH = $resolution.Split('x')
if ($resW -eq 'Auto') {
$megapixel = [int]$resW * [int]$resH
$row = [PSCustomObject]@{
Resolution = $resolution
Megapixel = $megapixel
$resolutions = ($sortedResolutions | Sort-Object -Property Megapixel -Descending).Resolution
if ($null -ne $MaxLiveResWidth -and $null -ne $MinLiveResWidth) {
if ($resolutions.Split('x')[0] -gt $MaxLiveResWidth -or $resolutions.Split('x')[1] -lt $MinLiveResWidth) {
# If the camera has specific framerate values instead of a range, then we need to choose the framerate
# that is closest (but smaller than) to the specified framerate.
$newFPS = $FPS
$fpsTypes = $totalSupportedStreams[0].ValueTypeInfo.fps
if ($null -ne $fpsTypes) {
$framerates = $fpsTypes
} else {
$framerates = $totalSupportedStreams[0].ValueTypeInfo.framerate
if ($framerates.Name -notcontains 'MinValue' -and $framerates.Value -notcontains $FPS) {
$sortedFramerates = @()
foreach ($framerate in $framerates.Value) {
$sortedFramerates += [decimal]::Parse($framerate)
$sortedFramerates = $sortedFramerates | Sort-Object
$previousFramerate = 0
foreach ($framerate in $sortedFramerates) {
if ($framerate -gt $FPS) {
Write-Warning "$($cam.Name) is not capable of $($newFPS). It will be set to $($previousFramerate)."
$newFPS = $previousFramerate
$previousFramerate = $framerate
# If the maximum framerate of the camera is less than the framerate specified, then use the maximum framerate of the camera
$maxSupportedFramerate = ($framerates.Value | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
if ($newFPS -gt $maxSupportedFramerate -and $null -ne $maxSupportedFramerate) {
Write-Warning "$($cam.Name) is not capable of $($newFPS) FPS. It will be set to its max framerate of $($maxSupportedFramerate) FPS."
$newFPS = $maxSupportedFramerate
# If there aren't any resolution options, move to the next camera.
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($resolutions)) {
# Get the max resolution for the first stream
$current = ($totalSupportedStreams[0].ValueTypeInfo.Resolution | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $totalSupportedStreams[0].Settings.Resolution }).Value
if ($resolutions.GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
$max = $resolutions
} else {
$max = $resolutions[0]
if ('Auto' -eq $max) {
$previousStreamResMP = [int]$max.Split('x')[0] * [int]$max.Split('x')[1]
# Get the aspect ratio of the resolution on the first stream
$resW, $resH = $max.Split('x')
$ratio = $resW / $resH
# Set Max Resolution on Stream 1 and set framerate if provided
if ($current -ne $resolutions[0].value -and $null -ne $totalSupportedStreams[0].Settings.FPS) {
switch ($FPS) {
$null { $settings = @{Resolution = $max } }
default { $settings = @{Resolution = $max; FPS = $newFPS } }
$totalSupportedStreams[0] | Set-VmsCameraStream -Settings $settings -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference
} elseif ($current -ne $resolutions[0].value -and $null -ne $totalSupportedStreams[0].Settings.Framerate) {
switch ($FPS) {
$null { $settings = @{Resolution = $max } }
default { $settings = @{Resolution = $max; Framerate = $newFPS } }
$totalSupportedStreams[0] | Set-VmsCameraStream -Settings $settings -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference
} elseif ($current -ne $resolutions[0].value) {
$settings = @{
Resolution = $max
$totalSupportedStreams[0] | Set-VmsCameraStream -Settings $settings -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference
$allStreams = $cam | Get-VmsCameraStream
# Disable all streams except for the first one
$totalSupportedStreams[0] | Set-VmsCameraStream -LiveDefault -RecordingTrack Primary -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference
for ($i = 1; $i -lt $allStreams.length; $i++) {
if ($allStreams[$i].StreamReferenceId -ne $totalSupportedStreams[0].StreamReferenceId) {
$allStreams[$i] | Set-VmsCameraStream -Disabled -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference
$enabledStreams = $cam | Get-VmsCameraStream -Enabled
# Enable additional streams and find appropriate resolution
$streamResolution = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]
if ($enabledStreams.length -lt $StreamsPerCamera -and $enabledStreams.length -lt $totalSupportedStreams.Length -and $totalSupportedStreams.length -gt 1) {
$extra = 0
for ($k = 1; $k -lt [int]$StreamsPerCamera + $extra; $k++) {
if (($totalSupportedStreams[$k]).Name -match 'JPEG') {
$extra += 1
$streamValueTypeInfo = $totalSupportedStreams[$k].ValueTypeInfo
$codecs = $streamValueTypeInfo.Codec
if (($codecs.Value -eq 'MJPEG') -eq $true -or ($codecs.Value -eq 'JPEG') -eq $true ) {
$extra += 1
$resolutions = $streamValueTypeInfo.Resolution
$sortedResolutions = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]
foreach ($resolution in $resolutions) {
$resW, $resH = $resolution.Value.Split('x')
$megapixel = [int]$resW * [int]$resH
$row = [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = $resolution.Name
Resolution = $resolution.Value
Megapixel = $megapixel
$resolutions = $sortedResolutions | Sort-Object -Property Megapixel -Descending
# Build Camera Res Array for additional streams
$camRes = @()
foreach ($res in $resolutions) {
$aresW, $aresH = $res.Resolution.Split('x')
if ($aresW -ne 0 -or $aresH -ne 0) {
$aratio = $aresW / $aresH
$aresW = $aresW -as [int]
if ($aratio -eq $ratio -And $aresW -le 1920 -And $aresW -ge 320 -and ($aresW -ne 1600 -and $aresH -ne 900) -and ($aresW -ne 1024 -and $aresH -ne 576)) {
$camRes += $res
# Enabled additional streams
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($camRes.Name)) {
$totalSupportedStreams[$k] | Set-VmsCameraStream -LiveMode WhenNeeded -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference
$enabledStreams = $cam | Get-VmsCameraStream -Enabled
foreach ($r in $camRes) {
if ($r.Megapixel -lt $previousStreamResMP) {
$row = [PSCustomObject]@{
'Stream' = $enabledStreams[$k]
'Resolution' = $r.Name
$previousStreamResMP = $r.Megapixel
foreach ($stream in $streamResolution) {
if ($null -ne $ {
switch ($FPS) {
$null { $settings = @{Resolution = $stream.Resolution } }
default { $settings = @{Resolution = $stream.Resolution; FPS = $newFPS } }
$stream.Stream | Set-VmsCameraStream -Settings $settings -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference
} elseif ($null -ne $ {
switch ($FPS) {
$null { $settings = @{Resolution = $stream.Resolution } }
default { $settings = @{Resolution = $stream.Resolution; Framerate = $newFPS } }
$stream.Stream | Set-VmsCameraStream -Settings $settings -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference
} else {
$settings = @{
Resolution = $stream.Resolution
$stream.Stream | Set-VmsCameraStream -Settings $settings -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference
if (($cam | Get-VmsCameraStream -Enabled).Count -gt 1) {
$lastStream = $cam | Get-VmsCameraStream -Enabled | Select-Object -Last 1
if ($ConfigureAdaptivePlayback) {
$lastStream | Set-VmsCameraStream -LiveDefault -RecordingTrack Secondary -PlaybackDefault -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference
} else {
$lastStream | Set-VmsCameraStream -LiveDefault -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference