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Import hardware from Excel


The Export-VmsHardware and Import-VmsHardware cmdlets in MilestonePSTools offer a way to export your camera/device configuration to a generic CSV file format, and import cameras into your VMS from CSV. However, there are a lot of configuration options available on any given device, and it's difficult to represent all the settings available in a single CSV file structure.

This guide introduces an alternative using Doug Finke's ImportExcel module which makes exporting and importing data using the .XLSX file format as easy as piping your data to Export-Excel and Import-Excel. Even if you don't have Excel installed on the machine from which you're running PowerShell!

Download VmsImportHardwareExcel.psm1 script module from the link below and read on for more information about this import/export script and how to use it.


Sample worksheet

Hardware worksheet

HardwareGeneralSettings worksheet

Cameras worksheet

CameraGeneralSettings worksheet

CameraStreams worksheet

CameraStreamSettings worksheet

CameraEvents worksheet

Microphones worksheet

MicrophoneGeneralSettings worksheet

MicrophoneEvents worksheet

Speakers worksheet

SpeakerGeneralSettings worksheet

Metadata worksheet

MetadataGeneralSettings worksheet

Inputs worksheet

InputGeneralSettings worksheet

InputEvents worksheet

Outputs worksheet

Download sample


Download the script module

To use this script module, download it from the link above and save it to C:\Users\<user>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\VmsImportHardwareExcel\VmsImportHardwareExcel.psm1 for the current user, or C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\VmsImportHardwareExcel\VmsImportHardwareExcel.psm1 to make it available to all users.

Technically you can save it anywhere you like, but if you place it in one of the paths PowerShell uses to automatically import modules, it'll save you from having to manually call Import-Module with the full path to the file later.

Install ImportExcel

Since this script module is not published to, and installed from PowerShell Gallery, the ImportExcel module will not be installed automatically. To install it, use the command below and I encourage you to check out the ImportExcel GitHub repository for more information about this Excel-lent module!

Install-Module ImportExcel -Scope CurrentUser -Force


The two cmdlets exported by this script module include comment-based help. Use Get-Help Export-VmsHardwareExcel -Full and Get-Help Export-VmsHardwareExcel -Full to see descriptions of the parameters, and examples.

Export existing hardware

To export all enabled hardware and devices, you can run the following in PowerShell and you should end up with a file named something like hardware_2023-02-18_10-30-22.xlsx on your desktop.

Connect-ManagementServer -ShowDialog -AcceptEula -Force
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss'
Export-VmsHardwareExcel -Path "~\Desktop\hardware_$timestamp.xlsx" -IncludedDevices Cameras, Microphones, Speakers, Inputs, Outputs, Metadata -Verbose

Import changes


You should perform a configuration (SQL) backup before using any tools like this in a production environment. When possible, you should also test this in a test environment.

Open the exported .XLSX file from the previous step and make a change to a setting. For example, change the frame rate of a camera, add coordinates, or adjust the prebuffer time.

If you change the names of any devices, it's important that you find and replace all references to the old name. The reason is that the parent device names are included in each worksheet to help the import script figure out with which recording server and hardware the camera row is associated. The CameraStreams worksheet references the parent camera, hardware, and recording server for instance.

Next, you can try importing those changes.

Import-VmsHardwareExcel -UpdateExisting -Verbose

Since the -Path parameter was not provided, an open-file dialog will be displayed allowing you to locate the file you exported in the previous step.

Adding new hardware

New hardware can be added using an Excel file with a single worksheet named "Hardware", if all you care about is getting the hardware added to a recording server so that you can configure it later. In fact, if you do it this way you can do an export afterward, modify the settings in the export, and then import the changes. This would save you from trying to construct all of the worksheets with their columns and values yourself.

The columns can be in any order, and are case-insensitive. The minimum required columns on the Hardware worksheet are:

  • Name
  • The display name to give the hardware after it is added.
  • Address
  • The hardware address in URL form. For example,
  • UserName
  • Password
  • RecordingServer
  • This should be the display name of the recording server on which to add the hardware.

Additional, optional columns include:

  • Enabled
  • Values: True | False
  • Description
  • DriverNumber
  • Adding hardware goes a lot faster if you know the driver number. This number is shown in the supported hardware list on
  • DriverGroup
  • This is the name of a group of cameras seen in Management Client when adding cameras. Some examples of known group names include "AXIS", "Bosch", "Hanwha", "Milestone", and "ONVIF". If you don't know the DriverNumber, you can provide DriverGroup instead, and the recording server will attempt to discover the correct driver from the list of drivers under that group.

With your Excel file prepared, you can import new hardware by calling the Import-VmsHardwareExcel command with or without any parameters. If you're not logged in the the VMS yet, you will be prompted with a login dialog. And if you do not provide a value for -Path, an open-file dialog will be displayed.


The standalone VmsImportHardwareExcel.psm1 script module provided in this guide is not a part of the MilestonePSTools module, but it does depend on it, along with the ImportExcel module. The script module is provided separately for a couple important reasons.

Limited testing

These import/export functions have undergone some limited internal testing, and while they have proven useful in a few professional services projects, we don't consider them "complete", or ready for the broader community to rely on.


This script takes an opinionated approach to getting hardware configuration in, and out of the XProtect VMS. Our goal for MilestonePSTools is to provide a PowerShell-friendly interface to the MIP SDK, making it possible for you to build tools, applications, and services around your needs rather than imposing our opinions and making assumptions about what you want.

Building out tools like this script requires a lot of time and testing, and once features are added to the MilestonePSTools module there is an implicit expectation that the feature always works, and will be supported the same as any other feature of the module. We're not ready to commit to that, but we do want to make the tool available for those who can benefit from it and accept the risk of using a "beta" tool.


#Requires -Module @{ ModuleName="ImportExcel"; ModuleVersion="7.8.0" }, @{ ModuleName="MilestonePSTools"; ModuleVersion="23.2.3" }
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions
using namespace System.Windows.Forms

#region private

$script:TruthyFalsey = [regex]::new('^\s*(true|yes|yep|affirmative|1|false|no|nope|negative|0)\s*$', [RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase)
$script:Truthy = [regex]::new('^\s*(true|yes|yep|affirmative|1)\s*$', [RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase)

function Show-FileDialog {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'OpenFile')]
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OpenFile')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'SaveFile')]

    process {
        $params = @{
            Title            = 'ImportVmsHardwareExcel'
            Filter           = 'Excel files (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx|All files (*.*)|*.*'
            DefaultExt       = '.xlsx'
            RestoreDirectory = $true
            AddExtension     = $true
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'OpenFile' {
                $dialog = [OpenFileDialog]$params
            'SaveFile' {
                $params.FileName = 'Hardware_{0}.xlsx' -f (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss')
                $dialog = [SaveFileDialog]$params
            Default {
                throw "ParameterSetName '$_' not implemented."

        try {
            $form = [form]@{
                TopMost = $true
            if ($dialog.ShowDialog($form) -eq 'OK') {
            } else {
                throw "$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) aborted."
        } finally {
            if ($dialog) {
            if ($form) {

function Resolve-Path2 {
    Resolves paths like the PowerShell-native `Resolve-Path` cmdlet, even for
    paths that don't exist yet.

    Long description

    Parameter description

    .PARAMETER LiteralPath
    Parameter description

    .PARAMETER Relative
    Parameter description

    .PARAMETER NoValidation
    If the path does not exist, return the resolved path anyway.

    .PARAMETER ExpandEnvironmentVariables
    If a path contains CMD-style variables like "%appdata%\Roaming"

    An example

    Inspired by a [blog post](
    by DevHawk, aka Harry Pierson, linked to by joshuapoehls on [](
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Path')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath')]



        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Path')]

    process {
        foreach ($unresolvedPath in $MyInvocation.BoundParameters[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]) {
            if ($ExpandEnvironmentVariables) {
                $unresolvedPath = [environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($unresolvedPath)
            $params = @{
                $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) = $unresolvedPath
                ErrorAction                   = 'SilentlyContinue'
                ErrorVariable                 = 'resolvePathError'
            $resolvedPath = Resolve-Path @params
            if ($null -eq $resolvedPath) {
                if ($NoValidation) {
                    $resolvedPath = $resolvePathError[0].TargetObject
                } elseif ($resolvePathError) {
                    Write-Error -ErrorRecord $resolvePathError[0]
                    Remove-Variable -Name resolvePathError

            foreach ($pathInfo in $resolvedPath) {
                if ($Relative) {
                    $separator = [io.path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
                    $currentPathUri = [uri]::new($pwd.Path, [urikind]::Absolute)
                    #$currentPathUri = [uri]::new(($pwd.Path -replace "([^$([regex]::Escape($separator))])`$", "`$1$([regex]::Escape($separator))"), [System.UriKind]::Absolute)
                    #$resolvedPathUri = [uri]::new($pathInfo.Path, [System.UriKind]::Absolute)
                    $resolvedPathUri = [uri]::new(($pathInfo.Path -replace "([^$([regex]::Escape($separator))])`$", "`$1$([regex]::Escape($separator))"), [UriKind]::Absolute)
                    $relativePath = $currentPathUri.MakeRelativeUri($resolvedPathUri).ToString() -replace '/', [io.path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
                    if ($relativePath -notmatch "^\.+\$([io.path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)") {
                        $relativePath = '.{0}{1}' -f [io.path]::DirectorySeparatorChar, $relativePath
                } else {

function Export-DeviceEventConfig {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [MilestonePSTools.ValidateVmsItemType('Hardware', 'Camera', 'Microphone', 'Speaker', 'InputEvent')]

    process {
        # Using Get-ConfigurationItem just so that we have the display names since
        # they aren't available on the strongly typed HardwareDeviceEventChildItems.
        $eventDisplayNames = @{}
        (Get-ConfigurationItem -Path "HardwareDeviceEvent[$($Device.Id)]").Children | ForEach-Object {
            $id = ($_.Properties | Where-Object Key -eq 'Id').Value
            $displayName = ($_.Properties | Where-Object Key -eq 'EventIndex').DisplayName
            $eventDisplayNames[$id] = $displayName
        foreach ($deviceEvent in $Device | Get-VmsDeviceEvent) {
                Event      = $deviceEvent.DisplayName
                Used       = $deviceEvent.EventUsed
                Enabled    = $deviceEvent.Enabled
                EventIndex = $deviceEvent.EventIndex
                IndexName  = $eventDisplayNames[$deviceEvent.Id]

function Get-DevicePropertyList {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

    begin {
        $excludedProperties = 'Icon', 'ItemCategory', 'Methods', 'ServerId', 'CreatedDate', 'DisplayName', 'ParentItemPath', 'StreamDefinitions', 'StreamUsages'
        $orderPriority = 'Name', 'ShortName', 'HostName', 'WebServerUri', 'Address', 'UserName', 'Password', 'Enabled', 'Channel', 'GisPoint', 'ActiveWebServerUri', 'PublicAccessEnabled', 'PublicWebserverHostName', 'PublicWebserverPort'
        $rearOrderPriority = 'LastModified', 'Id'

        $pathNameMap = @{}
        $childToParentMap = @{}
        $recordingStorage = @{}
        foreach ($rec in Get-VmsRecordingServer) {
            foreach ($storage in $rec | Get-VmsStorage) {
                $recordingStorage[$storage.Path] = $storage
                $pathNameMap[$storage.Path] = $storage.Name
                $pathNameMap[$rec.Path] = $rec.Name
                $childToParentMap[$storage.Path] = $rec.Path

        # Use translations to take an existing device property/value, and modify the column name and value in some way.
        # For example, the GisPoint property has a name unfamiliar to most users, and the "POINT(X Y)" value is even more unfamiliar.
        # Also useful for translating a config API path like "Storage[guid]" to the name of that storage.
        $translations = @{
            'GisPoint'         = {
                    Name  = 'Coordinates'
                    Value = $_.GisPoint | ConvertFrom-GisPoint
            'RecordingStorage' = {
                    Name  = 'Storage'
                    Value = $recordingStorage[$_.RecordingStorage].Name

        # Properties to be added. Keys represent the name of a property after which these new properties will be added. Each scriptblock can return one or more Name/Value pairs
        $additionalProperties = @{
            'UserName'                      = {
                $hwPassword = ''
                try {
                    $hwPassword = $_ | Get-VmsHardwarePassword -ErrorAction Stop
                } catch {
                    Write-Warning "Failed to retrieve hardware password. $($_.Exception.Message)"
                    Name  = 'Password'
                    Value = $hwPassword

            'RecordOnRelatedDevices'        = {
                $motion = $_.MotionDetectionFolder.MotionDetections[0]
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MotionEnabled'; Value = $motion.Enabled }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MotionManualSensitivityEnabled'; Value = $motion.ManualSensitivityEnabled }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MotionManualSensitivity'; Value = $motion.ManualSensitivity }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MotionThreshold'; Value = $motion.Threshold }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MotionKeyframesOnly'; Value = $motion.KeyframesOnly }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MotionProcessTime'; Value = $motion.ProcessTime }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MotionDetectionMethod'; Value = $motion.DetectionMethod }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MotionGenerateMotionMetadata'; Value = $motion.GenerateMotionMetadata }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MotionUseExcludeRegions'; Value = $motion.UseExcludeRegions }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MotionGridSize'; Value = $motion.GridSize }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MotionExcludeRegions'; Value = $motion.ExcludeRegions }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MotionHardwareAccelerationMode'; Value = $motion.HardwareAccelerationMode }

            'ManualRecordingTimeoutMinutes' = {
                $ptzTimeout = $_.DeviceDriverSettingsFolder.DeviceDriverSettings[0].PTZSessionTimeoutChildItem
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'ManualPTZTimeout'; Value = $ptzTimeout.ManualPTZTimeout }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'PausePatrollingTimeout'; Value = $ptzTimeout.PausePatrollingTimeout }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'ReservedPTZTimeout'; Value = $ptzTimeout.ReservedPTZTimeout }

            'RecordingFramerate'            = {
                $privacyMask = $_.PrivacyProtectionFolder.PrivacyProtections[0]
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'PrivacyMaskEnabled'; Value = $privacyMask.Enabled }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'PrivacyMaskXml'; Value = $privacyMask.PrivacyMaskXml }

            'Channel'                       = {
                $hwId = [VideoOS.Platform.Proxy.ConfigApi.ConfigurationItemPath]::new($_.ParentItemPath).Id
                $hw = [VideoOS.Platform.Configuration]::Instance.GetItem($hwId , [VideoOS.Platform.Kind]::Hardware)
                # If the hardware is disabled, the above command returns $null so we need to fallback to a reliable, but slower, method.
                if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($hw)) {
                    $hw = Get-VmsHardware -Id $hwId
                    $recId = [regex]::Matches($hw.ParentItemPath, '(?<=\[)[^]]+(?=\])').Value

                        Name  = 'Address'
                        Value = $hw.Address
                        Name  = 'Hardware'
                        Value = $hw.Name
                        Name  = 'RecordingServer'
                        Value = $pathNameMap["RecordingServer[$($recId)]"]
                } else {
                        Name  = 'Address'
                        Value = $hw.Properties.Address
                        Name  = 'Hardware'
                        Value = $hw.Name
                        Name  = 'RecordingServer'
                        Value = $pathNameMap["RecordingServer[$($hw.FQID.ServerId.Id)]"]

            'EdgeStoragePlaybackEnabled'    = {
                $clientSettings = $_.ClientSettingsFolder.ClientSettings[0]
                if ($clientSettings.Shortcut -eq 0 -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($clientSettings.Shortcut)) {
                    [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'Shortcut'; Value = $null }
                } else {
                    [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'Shortcut'; Value = $clientSettings.Shortcut }
                [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'MulticastEnabled'; Value = $clientSettings.MulticastEnabled }

            # Add driver and recording server info after model column for hardware objects
            'Model'                         = {
                if ($hwSettings = ($_ | Get-HardwareSetting -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                        Name  = 'MACAddress'
                        Value = $hwSettings.MacAddress
                        Name  = 'SerialNumber'
                        Value = $hwSettings.SerialNumber
                        Name  = 'FirmwareVersion'
                        Value = $hwSettings.FirmwareVersion
                if ($driver = ($_ | Get-VmsHardwareDriver -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                        Name  = 'DriverNumber'
                        Value = $driver.Number
                        Name  = 'DriverGroup'
                        Value = $driver.GroupName
                        Name  = 'DriverDriverType'
                        Value = $driver.DriverType
                        Name  = 'DriverVersion'
                        Value = $driver.DriverVersion
                        Name  = 'DriverRevision'
                        Value = $driver.DriverRevision
                    Name  = 'RecordingServer'
                    Value = $pathNameMap[$_.ParentItemPath]

    process {
        $properties = ($Device | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike '*Folder' -and $_.Name -notlike '*Path' -and $_.Name -notin $excludedProperties }).Name

        $obj = [ordered]@{}
        foreach ($property in $orderPriority) {
            if ($null -ne $Device.$property) {
                if ($translations.ContainsKey($property)) {
                    $translations[$property].Invoke($Device) | ForEach-Object {
                        $obj.Add($_.Name, $_.Value)
                } else {
                    $obj.Add($property, $Device.$property)
                if ($additionalProperties.ContainsKey($property)) {
                    $additionalProperties[$property].Invoke($Device) | ForEach-Object {
                        $obj.Add($_.Name, $_.Value)
        foreach ($property in $properties | Where-Object { $_ -notin $orderPriority -and $_ -notin $rearOrderPriority }) {
            if ($translations.ContainsKey($property)) {
                $translations[$property].Invoke($Device) | ForEach-Object {
                    $obj.Add($_.Name, $_.Value)
            } else {
                $obj.Add($property, $Device.$property)
            if ($additionalProperties.ContainsKey($property)) {
                $additionalProperties[$property].Invoke($Device) | ForEach-Object {
                    $obj.Add($_.Name, $_.Value)
        foreach ($property in $rearOrderPriority) {
            if ($null -ne $Device.$property) {
                if ($translations.ContainsKey($property)) {
                    $translations[$property].Invoke($Device) | ForEach-Object {
                        $obj.Add($_.Name, $_.Value)
                } else {
                    $obj.Add($property, $Device.$property)
                if ($additionalProperties.ContainsKey($property)) {
                    $additionalProperties[$property].Invoke($Device) | ForEach-Object {
                        $obj.Add($_.Name, $_.Value)

function Get-GeneralSettingList {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [MilestonePSTools.ValidateVmsItemType('Hardware', 'Camera', 'Microphone', 'Speaker', 'InputEvent', 'Output', 'Metadata')]

    process {
        $itemType = Split-VmsConfigItemPath -Path $Device.Path -ItemType
        $parentItemId = Split-VmsConfigItemPath -Path $Device.ParentItemPath -Id
        $parentItemType = Split-VmsConfigItemPath -Path $Device.ParentItemPath -ItemType

        $commonProperties = [ordered]@{}
        switch ($parentItemType) {
            'Hardware' {
                $hwItem = [videoos.platform.configuration]::Instance.GetItem($parentItemId, [videoos.platform.kind]::Hardware)
                if ($hwItem) {
                    $recorderItem = [videoos.platform.configuration]::Instance.GetItem($hwItem.FQID.ServerId.Id, [videoos.platform.kind]::Server)
                } else {
                    # If the hardware is disabled, the $hwItem will be $null so we need to fallback to a reliable, but slower, method.
                    $hwItem = Get-VmsHardware -Id $parentItemId
                    $recId = Split-VmsConfigItemPath -Path $hwItem.ParentItemPath -Id
                    $recorderItem = [videoos.platform.configuration]::Instance.GetItem($recId, [videoos.platform.kind]::Server)
                $commonProperties['RecordingServer'] = $recorderItem.Name
                $commonProperties['Hardware'] = $hwItem.Name

            'RecordingServer' {
                $recorderItem = [videoos.platform.configuration]::Instance.GetItem($parentItemId, [videoos.platform.kind]::Server)
                $commonProperties['RecordingServer'] = $recorderItem.Name

            Default {}
        $commonProperties[$itemType] = $Device.Name
        if ($Device.Channel) {
            $commonProperties['Channel'] = $Device.Channel

        $typePrefix = if ($itemType -eq 'Hardware') { 'Hardware' } else { 'Device' }
        Get-ConfigurationItem -Path "$($typePrefix)DriverSettings[$($Device.Id)]" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Children | Where-Object ItemType -EQ "$($typePrefix)DriverSettings" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | ForEach-Object {
            $property = $_
            $displayValue = ($property.ValueTypeInfos | Where-Object Value -EQ $property.Value).Name
            $key = $property.Key
            if ($key -match '^([^/]+/)(?<key>[^/]+)(/[^/]+)?$') {
                $key = $Matches.key
            $row = [ordered]@{}
            $commonProperties.Keys | ForEach-Object { $row[$_] = $commonProperties[$_] }
            $row.Setting = $key
            $row.Value = $property.Value
            $row.DisplayValue = if ($property.ValueType -eq 'Enum' -and $displayValue -ne $property.Value) { $displayValue } else { $null }
            $row.ReadOnly = !$property.IsSettable

function Import-DeviceEventConfig {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [MilestonePSTools.ValidateVmsItemType('Hardware', 'Camera', 'Microphone', 'Speaker', 'InputEvent')]


    process {
        foreach ($eventRow in $Settings) {
            if ($deviceEvent = $Device | Get-VmsDeviceEvent -Name $eventRow.EventName) {
                $setEventArgs = @{
                    Used    = $script:Truthy.IsMatch($eventRow.Used)
                    Enabled = $script:Truthy.IsMatch($eventRow.Enabled)
                    Index   = $eventRow.EventIndex
                    Verbose = $VerbosePreference
                if ($deviceEvent.EventUsed -ne $setEventArgs.Used) {
                    $deviceEvent | Set-VmsDeviceEvent @setEventArgs
            } else {
                Write-Warning "Device '$($Device.Name)' does not have a device event setting with the key '$($eventRow.EventName)'."

function Import-DevicePropertyList {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]


    begin {
        $ignoredColumns = 'RecordingServer', 'Hardware', 'Address', 'LastModified', 'Id', 'MotionDetectionMethod', 'MotionGenerateMotionMetadata', 'MotionGridSize', 'MotionExcludeRegions', 'MotionHardwareAccelerationMode', 'MotionKeyframesOnly', 'MotionManualSensitivity', 'MotionManualSensitivityEnabled', 'MotionProcessTime', 'MotionThreshold', 'MotionUseExcludeRegions', 'PrivacyMaskXml', 'PausePatrollingTimeout', 'ReservedPTZTimeout', 'MulticastEnabled'
        $recordingStorage = @{}
        Get-VmsRecordingServer -Name $Settings.RecordingServer | Get-VmsStorage | ForEach-Object {
            $recordingStorage[$_.Name] = $_

        $translations = @{
            'Coordinates' = {
                param($item, $settings)
                try {
                        Name  = 'GisPoint'
                        Value = if ($settings.Coordinates -eq 'Unknown' -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($settings.Coordinates)) { 'POINT EMPTY' } else { ConvertTo-GisPoint -Coordinates $settings.Coordinates -ErrorAction Stop }
                } catch {
                    Write-Warning "Failed to convert value '$($settings.Coordinates)' to a GisPoint value compatible with Milestone."
            'Storage'     = {
                param($item, $settings)
                if ($recordingStorage.ContainsKey($settings.Storage)) {
                        Name  = 'RecordingStorage'
                        Value = $recordingStorage[$settings.Storage].Path
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Storage configuration '$($settings.Storage)' not found on recording server $($settings.RecordingServer)"

        $customHandlers = @{
            'Enabled'            = {
                param($item, $settings)
                $enabled = $false
                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($settings.Enabled) -and [bool]::TryParse($settings.Enabled, [ref]$enabled) -and $item.EnableProperty.Enabled -ne $enabled) {
                    Write-Verbose "Changing 'Enabled' to $enabled on $($item.DisplayName)"
                    $item.EnableProperty.Enabled = $enabled
                    return $true
                return $false

            'RecordingStorage'   = {
                param($item, $settings)
                try {
                    $storagePath = $recordingStorage[$settings.Storage].Path
                    if ($null -eq $storagePath) {
                        throw "Storage configuration named '$($settings.Storage)' not found."
                    if ($storagePath -eq ($item.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ 'RecordingStorage').Value) {
                        return $true
                    $invokeInfo = $item | Invoke-Method -MethodId 'ChangeDeviceRecordingStorage'
                    foreach ($p in $invokeInfo.Properties) {
                        switch ($p.Key) {
                            'ItemSelection' { $p.Value = $storagePath }
                            'moveData' { $p.Value = $false }
                    $invokeResult = $invokeInfo | Invoke-Method -MethodId 'ChangeDeviceRecordingStorage'
                    $taskPath = ($invokeResult.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ 'Path').Value
                    if ($taskPath) {
                        $null = Wait-VmsTask -Path $taskPath -Cleanup
                    return $true
                } catch {
                    Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
                return $false

            'MotionEnabled'      = {
                param($item, $settings)
                $motion = Get-ConfigurationItem -Path "MotionDetection[$(($item.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ Id).Value)]"
                $dirty = $false
                foreach ($column in $settings | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Motion* | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) {
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($settings.$column)) {
                    $key = $column -replace '^Motion', ''
                    if ($key -eq 'Enabled') {
                        $newValue = $script:Truthy.IsMatch($settings.$column)
                        if ($motion.EnableProperty.Enabled -ne $newValue) {
                            $motion.EnableProperty.Enabled = $newValue
                            $dirty = $true
                    } else {
                        $property = $motion.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ $key
                        if ($property.Value -ne $settings.$column) {
                            $property.Value = $settings.$column
                            $dirty = $true
                if ($dirty) {
                    $result = $motion | Set-ConfigurationItem
                    if (-not $result.ValidatedOk) {
                        foreach ($errorResult in $result.ErrorResults) {
                            Write-Warning "Failed to update motion detection settings for $($item.DisplayName). $($errorResult.ErrorText)."

            'ManualPTZTimeout'   = {
                param($item, $settings)
                $deviceDriverSettings = Get-ConfigurationItem -Path "DeviceDriverSettings[$(($item.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ Id).Value)]"
                $dirty = $false
                foreach ($column in $settings | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ManualPTZTimeout, PausePatrollingTimeout, ReservedPTZTimeout | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) {
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($settings.$column)) {
                    $key = $column
                    $property = ($deviceDriverSettings.Children | Where-Object { $_.ItemType -eq 'PTZSessionTimeout' }).Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ $key
                    if ($property) {
                        if ($property.Value -ne $settings.$column) {
                            $property.Value = $settings.$column
                            $dirty = $true
                    } else {
                        Write-Warning "No PTZSessionTimeout property found in $($item.DisplayName) DeviceDriverSettings named $key"
                if ($dirty) {
                    $result = $deviceDriverSettings | Set-ConfigurationItem
                    if (-not $result.ValidatedOk) {
                        foreach ($errorResult in $result.ErrorResults) {
                            Write-Warning "Failed to update PTZ session timeout settings for $($item.DisplayName). $($errorResult.ErrorText)."

            'PrivacyMaskEnabled' = {
                param($item, $settings)
                $privacyMask = Get-ConfigurationItem -Path "PrivacyProtection[$(($item.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ Id).Value)]"
                $dirty = $false
                foreach ($column in $settings | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PrivacyMask* | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) {
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($settings.$column)) {

                    $key = $column
                    if ($key -eq 'PrivacyMaskEnabled') {
                        $newValue = 'True' -eq $settings.$column
                        if ($privacyMask.EnableProperty.Enabled -ne $newValue) {
                            $privacyMask.EnableProperty.Enabled = $newValue
                            $dirty = $true
                    } elseif ($key -eq 'PrivacyMaskXml') {
                        $property = $privacyMask.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ $key
                        if ($property.Value -ne $settings.$column) {
                            $property.Value = $settings.$column
                            $dirty = $true
                if ($dirty) {
                    $result = $privacyMask | Set-ConfigurationItem
                    if (-not $result.ValidatedOk) {
                        foreach ($errorResult in $result.ErrorResults) {
                            Write-Warning "Failed to update privacy mask settings for $($item.DisplayName). $($errorResult.ErrorText)."

            'Shortcut'           = {
                param($item, $settings)
                $clientSettings = Get-ConfigurationItem -Path "ClientSettings[$(($item.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ Id).Value)]"
                $dirty = $false
                foreach ($column in $settings | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Shortcut, MulticastEnabled | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) {
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($settings.$column)) {

                    $key = $column
                    if ($key -eq 'MulticastEnabled') {
                        $newValue = 'True' -eq $settings.$column
                        $property = $clientSettings.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ $key
                        if ($property.Value -ne $newValue) {
                            $property.Value = $newValue
                            $dirty = $true
                    } elseif ($key -eq 'Shortcut') {
                        $property = $clientSettings.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ $key
                        if ($property.Value -ne $settings.$column -and $settings.$column -ge 1) {
                            $property.Value = $settings.$column
                            $dirty = $true
                if ($dirty) {
                    $result = $clientSettings | Set-ConfigurationItem
                    if (-not $result.ValidatedOk) {
                        foreach ($errorResult in $result.ErrorResults) {
                            Write-Warning "Failed to update privacy mask settings for $($item.DisplayName). $($errorResult.ErrorText)."

    process {
        $dirty = $false
        $properties = @{}
        $item = $Device | Get-ConfigurationItem
        $item.Properties | ForEach-Object { $properties[$_.Key] = $_ }

        foreach ($columnName in $Settings | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Where-Object Name -NotIn $ignoredColumns | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) {
            $newValue = $Settings.$columnName
            if ($translations.ContainsKey($columnName)) {
                $columnName, $newValue = $translations[$columnName].Invoke($item, $Settings) | ForEach-Object {
                    Write-Verbose "Translating column name '$($columnName)' to '$($_.Name)', and value '$($newValue)' to '$($_.Value)'"
                    @($_.Name, $_.Value)
                if ($null -eq $columnName -or $null -eq $newValue) {
                    Write-Verbose 'Failed to translate column/value. No change will be made for this property.'

            if ($customHandlers.ContainsKey($columnName)) {
                Write-Verbose "Invoking custom handler for column $columnName on device $($Device.Name)"
                if ($customHandlers[$columnName].Invoke($item, $Settings)) {
                    $dirty = $true
            } else {
                $property = $properties[$columnName]
                if ($property) {
                    if ($property.Value -ne $newValue) {
                        Write-Verbose "Setting $columnName to $newValue on $($Device.Name)"
                        $property.Value = $newValue
                        $dirty = $true
                    } else {
                        Write-Verbose "Setting $columnName already has value $newValue on $($Device.Name)"
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Property '$($columnName)' not found on $($Device.Name)"

        # Update the name for the in-memory copy of $Device so that the verbose logging doesn't mention the old name anymore.
        $Device.Name = ($item.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ 'Name').Value

        if ($dirty) {
            Write-Verbose "Saving changes to $($Device.Name)"
            $result = $item | Set-ConfigurationItem
            foreach ($entry in $result.ErrorResults) {
                Write-Error -Message "Validation error: $($entry.ErrorText) on '$($Device.Name)'."
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "No changes made to $($Device.Name)"

function Import-GeneralSettingList {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]


    begin {
        $validDeviceTypes = @('Hardware', 'Camera', 'Microphone', 'Speaker', 'InputEvent', 'Output', 'Metadata')

    process {
        $devicePath = [VideoOS.Platform.Proxy.ConfigApi.ConfigurationItemPath]::new($Device.Path)
        if ($devicePath.ItemType -notin $validDeviceTypes) {
            Write-Error 'Invalid device type for this cmdlet.'

        $itemType = if ($devicePath.ItemType -eq 'Hardware') { 'Hardware' } else { 'Device' }
        Write-Verbose "$($devicePath.ItemType)GeneralSettings: Checking general settings for '$($Device.Name)'"
        $item = Get-ConfigurationItem -Path "$($itemType)DriverSettings[$($Device.Id)]"
        $general = $item.Children | Where-Object ItemType -EQ "$($itemType)DriverSettings"
        $dirty = $false
        foreach ($setting in $Settings) {
            $property = $general.Properties | Where-Object Key -Match "^([^/]+/)?(?<key>$([regex]::Escape($setting.Setting)))(/[^/]+)?$" | Select-Object -First 1
            $key = $setting.Setting
            if ($property) {
                if ($property.IsSettable) {
                    if ($property.Value -cne $setting.Value) {
                        Write-Verbose "$($devicePath.ItemType)GeneralSettings: Changing $($property.DisplayName) ($key) to '$($setting.Value)'"
                        $property.Value = $setting.Value
                        $dirty = $true
                    } else {
                        Write-Verbose "$($devicePath.ItemType)GeneralSettings: Keeping $($property.DisplayName) ($key) value '$($setting.Value)'"
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "$($devicePath.ItemType)GeneralSettings: Skipping read-only property $($property.DisplayName) ($key)"
            } else {
                Write-Warning "$($devicePath.ItemType)GeneralSettings: Device '$($Device.Name)' does not have a general setting with the key '$($setting.Setting)'."

        if (-not $dirty) {
            Write-Verbose "$($devicePath.ItemType)GeneralSettings: No changes to general settings were required for '$($Device.Name)'"

        Write-Verbose "$($devicePath.ItemType)GeneralSettings: Saving changes to general settings for '$($Device.Name)'"
        $result = $item | Set-ConfigurationItem
        foreach ($entry in $result.ErrorResults) {
            Write-Error -Message "$($devicePath.ItemType)GeneralSettings: Validation error: $($entry.ErrorText) on '$($Device.Name)'."
        <## Todo: See if its possible for the validation errorresults list to include all validation errors instead of one at a time.
        if (-not $result.ValidatedOk) {
            Write-verbose "Retrying without the invalid values"
            $general.Properties = $general.Properties | Where-Object Key -notin $result.ErrorResults.ErrorProperty
            $result = $item | Set-ConfigurationItem
            foreach ($entry in $result.ErrorResults) {
                Write-Error -Message "Validation error: $($entry.ErrorText) on '$($Device.Name)'."


#region public

function Export-VmsHardwareExcel {
    Exports hardware configuration in Microsoft Excel XLSX format.

    The `Export-VmsHardwareExcel` cmdlet accepts one or more Hardware objects
    from `Get-VmsHardware` and exports detailed configuration to an Excel XLSX

    The document will contain multiple worksheets, depending on which device
    types are specified in the `IncludedDevices` parameter. Each area of the
    hardware configuration is represented in it's own worksheet which makes it
    possible to represent many different types of objects and settings in the
    same document while keeping it human-readable and easy to modify.

    .PARAMETER Hardware
    Specifies one or more Hardware objects returned by `Get-VmsHardware`. If no
    hardware is provided, then all hardware found in the VMS matching the
    desired `EnableState` will be exported.

    The absolute, or relative path, including filename, where the .XLSX file
    should be saved. If no path is provided, a save-file dialog will be shown.

    .PARAMETER IncludedDevices
    Defaults to "Cameras". Specifies the types of child devices to include in the export. It can be
    very time consuming to export configuration for thousands of devices, and
    if you only need camera and metadata settings, you can specify this and
    avoid retrieving detailed configuration on microphones, speakers, inputs,
    and outputs.

    .PARAMETER EnableFilter
    Defaults to "Enabled". Filters the exported hardware and devices to only
    those matching the specified EnableFilter.

    .PARAMETER Force
    Overwrite an existing file if the file specified in `Path` already exists.

    Export-VmsHardwareExcel -Path ~\Documents\hardware.xlsx -Verbose

    Exports configuration for all enabled hardware, and cameras to the current
    user's Documents directory.

    Export-VmsHardwareExcel -Path ~\Documents\hardware.xlsx -IncludedDevices Cameras, Microphones -Verbose

    Exports configuration for all enabled hardware, cameras, and microphones to
    the current user's Documents directory.

    $hardware = Get-VmsRecordingServer -Name Recorder1 | Get-VmsHardware
    Export-VmsHardwareExcel -Hardware $hardware -Path ~\Desktop\hardware.xlsx -Verbose

    Exports configuration for all enabled hardware, and cameras on the
    recording server named "Recorder1" tp the current user's Desktop.

    param (


        [ValidateSet('Cameras', 'Microphones', 'Speakers', 'Metadata', 'Inputs', 'Outputs')]
        $IncludedDevices = @('Cameras'),

        [ValidateSet('All', 'Disabled', 'Enabled')]
        $EnableFilter = 'Enabled',


    begin {
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
            $Path = Show-FileDialog -SaveFile
        if (Test-Path $Path) {
            if ($Force) {
                Remove-Item -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
            } else {
                Write-Error "File $Path already exists."
        } else {
            $fileInfo = [io.fileinfo]$ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path)
        $excelPackage = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $Path -Create
        $worksheets = @(
        $null = $worksheets | ForEach-Object { $excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add($_) }

    process {
        $progress = @{
            Activity         = 'Exporting hardware configuration to {0}' -f $Path
            Id               = 11
            PercentComplete  = 0
            CurrentOperation = 'Preparing'
        Write-Progress @progress

        if ($IncludedDevices) {
            $IncludedDevices = $IncludedDevices | Group-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

        $progress.CurrentOperation = 'Retrieving list of recording servers'
        Write-Progress @progress
        Write-Verbose 'Retrieving recording server list'
        $recorderMap = @{}
        Get-VmsRecordingServer | ForEach-Object {
            $recorderMap[$_.Path] = $_

        if ($null -eq $Hardware) {
            $progress.CurrentOperation = 'Retrieving list of hardware to be exported'
            Write-Progress @progress
            $Hardware = Get-VmsHardware

        Write-Verbose 'Loading device groups'
        $deviceGroups = @{}
        $IncludedDevices | ForEach-Object {
            $type = $_ -replace 's$', ''
            foreach ($group in Get-VmsDeviceGroup -Type $type -Recurse) {
                $members = $group | Get-VmsDeviceGroupMember
                if ($members.Count -eq 0) { continue }

                $groupPath = $group | Resolve-VmsDeviceGroupPath -NoTypePrefix
                foreach ($member in $members) {
                    if (-not $deviceGroups.ContainsKey($member.Id)) {
                        $deviceGroups[$member.Id] = [list[string]]::new()

        $excelParams = @{
            ExcelPackage       = $excelPackage
            TableStyle         = 'Medium9'
            AutoSize           = $true
            Append             = $true
            NoNumberConversion = 'Value', 'DisplayValue', 'MotionExcludeRegions', 'MACAddress', 'SerialNumber', 'FirmwareVersion', 'Password'
            PassThru           = $true

        $totalHardwareCount = $Hardware.Count
        $processedHardwareCount = 0
        $Hardware | ForEach-Object {
            $hw = $_
            $progress.PercentComplete = [math]::Round(($processedHardwareCount++) / $totalHardwareCount * 100)
            $progress.CurrentOperation = '{0} "{1}"' -f [VideoOS.Platform.Proxy.ConfigApi.ConfigurationItemPath]::new($_.Path).ItemType, $_.Name
            Write-Progress @progress
            if (($EnableFilter -eq 'Enabled' -and -not $hw.Enabled) -or ($EnableFilter -eq 'Disabled' -and $hw.Enabled)) {
                Write-Verbose "Skipping hardware $($hw.Name) due to the EnableFilter value of $EnableFilter"
            Write-Verbose "Retrieving hardware properties for $($hw.Name)"
            $null = $hw | Get-DevicePropertyList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName Hardware -TableName HardwareList }

            Write-Verbose "Retrieving general setting properties for $($hw.Name)"
            $null = $hw | Get-GeneralSettingList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName HardwareGeneralSettings -TableName HardwareGeneralSettingsList }

            $channel = 0
            $hw.HardwarePtzSettingsFolder.HardwarePtzSettings.HardwarePtzDeviceSettingChildItems | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | ForEach-Object {
                $hwPtzSettings = @(

                        Name       = 'RecordingServer'
                        Expression = { $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name }
                        Name       = 'Hardware'
                        Expression = { $hw.Name }
                        Name       = 'Camera'
                        Expression = { $_.DisplayName }
                        Name       = 'Channel'
                        Expression = { $channel }
                        Name       = 'PTZEnabled'
                        Expression = { $_.Properties.GetValue('PTZEnabled') }
                        Name       = 'PTZDeviceID'
                        Expression = { $_.Properties.GetValue('PTZDeviceID') }
                        Name       = 'PTZCOMPort'
                        Expression = { $_.Properties.GetValue('PTZCOMPort') }
                        Name       = 'PTZProtocol'
                        Expression = { $_.Properties.GetValue('PTZProtocol') }
                $null = $_ | Select-Object $hwPtzSettings | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName HardwarePtzSettings -TableName HardwarePtzSettingsList
                $channel += 1

            Write-Verbose "Retrieving event properties for $($hw.Name)"
            $obj = [ordered]@{
                RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                Hardware        = $hw.Name
            $null = $hw | Export-DeviceEventConfig | ForEach-Object {
                $eventInfo = $_
                $obj.EventName = $eventInfo.Event
                $obj.Used = $eventInfo.Used
                $obj.Enabled = $eventInfo.Enabled
                $obj.EventIndex = $eventInfo.EventIndex
                $obj.IndexName = $eventInfo.IndexName
                [pscustomobject]$obj | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName HardwareEvents -TableName HardwareEventsList

            if ('Cameras' -in $IncludedDevices) {
                $hw | Get-VmsCamera -EnableFilter $EnableFilter | ForEach-Object {
                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving camera properties for $($_.Name)"
                    $cam = $_
                    $progress.CurrentOperation = '{0} "{1}"' -f [VideoOS.Platform.Proxy.ConfigApi.ConfigurationItemPath]::new($_.Path).ItemType, $_.Name
                    Write-Progress @progress
                    $null = $cam | Get-DevicePropertyList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName Cameras -TableName CamerasList }

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving general setting properties for $($cam.Name)"
                    $null = $cam | Get-GeneralSettingList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName CameraGeneralSettings -TableName CameraGeneralSettingsList }

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving stream properties for $($cam.Name)"
                    $recordingTrack = @{
                        '16ce3aa1-5f93-458a-abe5-5c95d9ed1372' = 'Primary'
                        '84fff8b9-8cd1-46b2-a451-c4a87d4cbbb0' = 'Secondary'
                        ''                                     = 'None'
                    $supportsAdaptivePlayback = [version](Get-VmsManagementServer).Version -ge '23.2'
                    $cam | Get-VmsCameraStream -Enabled -RawValues | ForEach-Object {
                        $stream = $_
                        $obj = [pscustomobject]@{
                            RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                            Hardware        = $hw.Name
                            Camera          = $cam.Name
                            Channel         = $cam.Channel

                            Name            = $stream.Name
                            DisplayName     = $stream.DisplayName
                            LiveMode        = $stream.LiveMode
                            LiveDefault     = $stream.LiveDefault
                            PlaybackDefault = $stream.PlaybackDefault
                            RecordingTrack  = if ($supportsAdaptivePlayback) { $recordingTrack["$($stream.RecordingTrack)"] } elseif ($stream.Recorded) { 'Primary' } else { 'None' }
                            UseEdge         = $stream.UseEdge
                        $null = $obj | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName CameraStreams -TableName CameraStreamsList

                        $null = $stream.Settings.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                            $key = $_
                            $displayValue = ($stream.ValueTypeInfo[$key] | Where-Object { $_.Value -eq $property.Value -and $_.Name -notlike '*Value' }).Name
                                RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                                Hardware        = $hw.Name
                                Camera          = $cam.Name
                                Channel         = $cam.Channel
                                Stream          = $stream.Name

                                Setting         = $key
                                Value           = $stream.Settings[$key]
                                DisplayValue    = if ($stream.Settings[$key] -ne $displayValue) { $displayValue } else { $null }
                            } | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName CameraStreamSettings -TableName CameraStreamSettingsList

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving system PTZ presets for $($cam.Name)"
                    $cam.PtzPresetFolder.PtzPresets | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | ForEach-Object {
                        $ptzPreset = $_
                        if ($ptzPreset.DevicePreset) {
                            Write-Verbose "Camera $($cam.Name) has preset positions defined on camera and not in the VMS."
                        $obj = [pscustomobject]@{
                            RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                            Hardware        = $hw.Name
                            Camera          = $cam.Name
                            Channel         = $cam.Channel

                            DefaultPreset   = $ptzPreset.DefaultPreset
                            Pan             = $ptzPreset.Pan 
                            Tilt            = $ptzPreset.Tilt
                            Zoom            = $ptzPreset.Zoom
                            Name            = $ptzPreset.Name
                            Description     = $ptzPreset.Description
                        $null = $obj | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName CameraPtzPresets -TableName CameraPtzPresetsList

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving system PTZ patrols for $($cam.Name)"
                    $ptzPresets = $cam.PtzPresetFolder.PtzPresets
                    $cam.PatrollingProfileFolder.PatrollingProfiles | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | ForEach-Object {
                        $ptzPatrol = $_
                        if ($cam.PtzPresetFolder.PtzPresets[0].DevicePreset) {
                            Write-Verbose "Camera $($cam.Name) has preset positions defined on camera so skipping PTZ patrolling profiles."
                        $obj = [pscustomobject]@{
                            RecordingServer      = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                            Hardware             = $hw.Name
                            Camera               = $cam.Name
                            Channel              = $cam.Channel

                            Name                 = $ptzPatrol.Name
                            Description          = $ptzPatrol.Description
                            CustomizeTransitions = $ptzPatrol.CustomizeTransitions
                            InitSpeed            = $ptzPatrol.InitSpeed
                            InitTransitionTime   = $ptzPatrol.InitTransitionTime
                            EndPresetId          = $ptzPatrol.EndPresetId
                            EndPresetName        = ($ptzPresets | Where-Object Id -EQ $ptzPatrol.EndPresetId).Name
                            EndSpeed             = $ptzPatrol.EndSpeed
                            EndTransitionTime    = $ptzPatrol.EndTransitionTime

                        $null = $obj | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName CameraPtzPatrols -TableName CameraPtzPatrolsList

                        Write-Verbose "Retrieving PTZ patrols presets for $($ptzPatrol.Name) on $($cam.Name)"
                        $patrolChildren = (Get-ConfigurationItem -Path "PatrollingProfile[$($ptzPatrol.Id)]").Children

                        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $patrolChildren.Count; $i++) {
                            $patrolChild = $patrolChildren | Where-Object { $_.Path -eq "PatrollingEntry[$($i)]" }
                            $presetId = ($patrolChild.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ PresetId).Value

                            $obj = [pscustomobject]@{
                                RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                                Hardware        = $hw.Name
                                Camera          = $cam.Name
                                Channel         = $cam.Channel
                                Patrol          = $ptzPatrol.Name

                                Order           = ($patrolChild.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ Order).Value
                                WaitTime        = ($patrolChild.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ WaitTime).Value
                                Speed           = ($patrolChild.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ Speed).Value
                                TransitionTime  = ($patrolChild.Properties | Where-Object Key -EQ TransitionTime).Value
                                PresetName      = ($ptzPresets | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $presetId }).Name
                            $null = $obj | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName CameraPtzPatrolPresets -TableName CameraPtzPatrolPresetsList

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving related devices, shortcut number, and multicast setting for $($cam.Name)"
                    $clientSettings = $cam.ClientSettingsFolder.ClientSettings[0]
                    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($clientSettings.Related)) {
                        $relatedDevices = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                        $clientSettings.Related.Split(',') | ForEach-Object {
                            $deviceType = $_.Split('[') | Select-Object -First 1
                            $deviceCI = Get-ConfigurationItem -Path $_
                            $deviceProperties = $deviceCI.Properties
                            $hardwarePath = $deviceCI.ParentPath.Split('/') | Select-Object -First 1
                            $hardwareCI = Get-ConfigurationItem -Path $hardwarePath
                            $hardwareProperties = $hardwareCI.Properties
                            $recordingServerPath = $hardwareCI.ParentPath.Split('/') | Select-Object -First 1
                            $recordingServerCI = Get-ConfigurationItem -Path $recordingServerPath
                            $recordingServerProperties = $recordingServerCI.Properties

                            $row = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                RelatedDeviceType              = $deviceType
                                RelatedRecordingServerName     = ($recordingServerProperties | Where-Object Key -EQ Name).Value
                                RelatedRecordingServerHostName = ($recordingServerProperties | Where-Object Key -EQ HostName).Value
                                RelatedHardwareName            = ($hardwareProperties | Where-Object Key -EQ Name).Value
                                RelatedHardwareAddress         = ($hardwareProperties | Where-Object Key -EQ Address).Value
                                RelatedDeviceName              = ($deviceProperties | Where-Object Key -EQ Name).Value
                                RelatedDeviceChannel           = ($deviceProperties | Where-Object Key -EQ Channel).Value
                    } else {
                        $relatedDevices = $null

                    foreach ($relatedDevice in $relatedDevices) {
                        $obj = [pscustomobject]@{
                            RecordingServer                = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                            Hardware                       = $hw.Name
                            Camera                         = $cam.Name
                            Channel                        = $cam.Channel

                            RelatedDeviceType              = $relatedDevice.RelatedDeviceType
                            RelatedRecordingServerName     = $relatedDevice.RelatedRecordingServerName
                            RelatedRecordingServerHostName = $relatedDevice.RelatedRecordingServerHostName
                            RelatedHardwareName            = $relatedDevice.RelatedHardwareName
                            RelatedHardwareAddress         = $relatedDevice.RelatedHardwareAddress
                            RelatedDeviceName              = $relatedDevice.RelatedDeviceName
                            RelatedDeviceChannel           = $relatedDevice.RelatedDeviceChannel
                            Shortcut                       = $clientSettings.Shortcut
                            MulticastEnabled               = $clientSettings.MulticastEnabled
                        $null = $obj | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName CameraRelatedDevices -TableName CameraRelatedDevicesList

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving event properties for $($cam.Name)"
                    $obj = [ordered]@{
                        RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                        Hardware        = $hw.Name
                        Camera          = $cam.Name
                    $null = $cam | Export-DeviceEventConfig | ForEach-Object {
                        $eventInfo = $_
                        $obj.EventName = $eventInfo.Event
                        $obj.Used = $eventInfo.Used
                        $obj.Enabled = $eventInfo.Enabled
                        $obj.EventIndex = $eventInfo.EventIndex
                        $obj.IndexName = $eventInfo.IndexName
                        [pscustomobject]$obj | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName CameraEvents -TableName CameraEventsList

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving device groups for $($cam.Name)"
                    $null = $deviceGroups[$cam.Id] | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | ForEach-Object {
                            RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                            Hardware        = $hw.Name
                            Camera          = $cam.Name
                            Group           = $_
                    } | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName CameraGroups -TableName CameraGroupsList

            if ('Microphones' -in $IncludedDevices) {
                $deviceType = 'Microphone'
                $deviceTypePlural = "Microphones"

                $hw | Get-VmsMicrophone -EnableFilter All | ForEach-Object {
                    $progress.CurrentOperation = '{0} "{1}"' -f [VideoOS.Platform.Proxy.ConfigApi.ConfigurationItemPath]::new($_.Path).ItemType, $_.Name
                    Write-Progress @progress
                    $device = $_
                    if (($EnableFilter -eq 'Enabled' -and -not $device.Enabled) -or ($EnableFilter -eq 'Disabled' -and $device.Enabled)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Skipping $deviceType $($device.Name) due to the EnableFilter value of $EnableFilter"

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving $deviceType properties for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $device | Get-DevicePropertyList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName $deviceTypePlural -TableName "$($deviceTypePlural)List" }

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving general setting properties for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $device | Get-GeneralSettingList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName "$($deviceType)GeneralSettings" -TableName "$($deviceType)GeneralSettingsList" }

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving stream properties for $($device.Name)"
                    $deviceDriverSettings | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Children | Where-Object ItemType -EQ Stream | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Where-Object IsSettable | ForEach-Object {
                        if ($null -eq $_) {
                        $property = $_
                        $key = $property.Key
                        $displayValue = ($property.ValueTypeInfos | Where-Object Value -EQ $property.Value).Name
                        if ($key -match '^[^/]+/(?<key>.*?)/[^/]+$') {
                            # If the value of $property.Key is in the format 'device:0:1/KeyName/usually-a-guid', we just want the KeyName value in the middle
                            $key = $Matches.key
                        $obj = [pscustomobject]@{
                            RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                            Hardware        = $hw.Name
                            Microphone      = $device.Name
                            Channel         = $device.Channel

                            Setting         = $key
                            Value           = $property.Value
                            DisplayValue    = if ($property.ValueType -eq 'Enum' -and $displayValue -ne $property.Value) { $displayValue } else { $null }
                        $null = $obj | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName MicrophoneStreamSettings -TableName MicrophoneStreamSettingsList

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving event properties for $($device.Name)"
                    $obj = [ordered]@{
                        RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                        Hardware        = $hw.Name
                        Microphone      = $device.Name
                    $null = $device | Export-DeviceEventConfig | ForEach-Object {
                        $eventInfo = $_
                        $obj.EventName = $eventInfo.Event
                        $obj.Used = $eventInfo.Used
                        $obj.Enabled = $eventInfo.Enabled
                        $obj.EventIndex = $eventInfo.EventIndex
                        $obj.IndexName = $eventInfo.IndexName
                        [pscustomobject]$obj | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName MicrophoneEvents -TableName MicrophoneEventsList

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving device groups for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $deviceGroups[$device.Id] | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | ForEach-Object {
                            RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                            Hardware        = $hw.Name
                            Microphone      = $device.Name
                            Group           = $_
                    } | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName MicrophoneGroups -TableName MicrophoneGroupsList

            if ('Speakers' -in $IncludedDevices) {
                $hw | Get-VmsSpeaker -EnableFilter All | ForEach-Object {
                    $progress.CurrentOperation = '{0} "{1}"' -f [VideoOS.Platform.Proxy.ConfigApi.ConfigurationItemPath]::new($_.Path).ItemType, $_.Name
                    Write-Progress @progress
                    $device = $_
                    if (($EnableFilter -eq 'Enabled' -and -not $device.Enabled) -or ($EnableFilter -eq 'Disabled' -and $device.Enabled)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Skipping speaker $($device.Name) due to the EnableFilter value of $EnableFilter"
                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving speaker properties for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $device | Get-DevicePropertyList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName Speakers -TableName SpeakersList }

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving general setting properties for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $device | Get-GeneralSettingList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName SpeakerGeneralSettings -TableName SpeakerGeneralSettingsList }

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving event properties for $($device.Name)"
                    $obj = [ordered]@{
                        RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                        Hardware        = $hw.Name
                        Speaker         = $device.Name
                    $null = $device | Export-DeviceEventConfig | ForEach-Object {
                        $eventInfo = $_
                        $obj.EventName = $eventInfo.Event
                        $obj.Used = $eventInfo.Used
                        $obj.Enabled = $eventInfo.Enabled
                        $obj.EventIndex = $eventInfo.EventIndex
                        $obj.IndexName = $eventInfo.IndexName
                        [pscustomobject]$obj | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName SpeakerEvents -TableName SpeakerEventsList

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving device groups for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $deviceGroups[$device.Id] | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | ForEach-Object {
                            RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                            Hardware        = $hw.Name
                            Speaker         = $device.Name
                            Group           = $_
                    } | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName SpeakerGroups -TableName SpeakerGroupsList

            if ('Metadata' -in $IncludedDevices) {
                $hw | Get-VmsMetadata -EnableFilter All | ForEach-Object {
                    $progress.CurrentOperation = '{0} "{1}"' -f [VideoOS.Platform.Proxy.ConfigApi.ConfigurationItemPath]::new($_.Path).ItemType, $_.Name
                    Write-Progress @progress
                    $device = $_
                    if (($EnableFilter -eq 'Enabled' -and -not $device.Enabled) -or ($EnableFilter -eq 'Disabled' -and $device.Enabled)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Skipping metadata $($device.Name) due to the EnableFilter value of $EnableFilter"
                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving metadata properties for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $device | Get-DevicePropertyList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName Metadata -TableName MetadataList }

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving metadata general settings for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $device | Get-GeneralSettingList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName MetadataGeneralSettings -TableName MetadataGeneralSettingsList }

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving device groups for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $deviceGroups[$device.Id] | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | ForEach-Object {
                            RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                            Hardware        = $hw.Name
                            Metadata        = $device.Name
                            Group           = $_
                    } | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName MetadataGroups -TableName MetadataGroupsList

            if ('Inputs' -in $IncludedDevices) {
                $hw | Get-VmsInput -EnableFilter All | ForEach-Object {
                    $progress.CurrentOperation = '{0} "{1}"' -f [VideoOS.Platform.Proxy.ConfigApi.ConfigurationItemPath]::new($_.Path).ItemType, $_.Name
                    Write-Progress @progress
                    $device = $_
                    if (($EnableFilter -eq 'Enabled' -and -not $device.Enabled) -or ($EnableFilter -eq 'Disabled' -and $device.Enabled)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Skipping input $($device.Name) due to the EnableFilter value of $EnableFilter"
                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving input properties for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $device | Get-DevicePropertyList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName Inputs -TableName InputsList }

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving input general settings for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $device | Get-GeneralSettingList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName InputGeneralSettings -TableName InputGeneralSettingsList }

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving event properties for $($device.Name)"
                    $obj = [ordered]@{
                        RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                        Hardware        = $hw.Name
                        Input           = $device.Name
                    $null = $device | Export-DeviceEventConfig | ForEach-Object {
                        $eventInfo = $_
                        $obj.EventName = $eventInfo.Event
                        $obj.Used = $eventInfo.Used
                        $obj.Enabled = $eventInfo.Enabled
                        $obj.EventIndex = $eventInfo.EventIndex
                        $obj.IndexName = $eventInfo.IndexName
                        [pscustomobject]$obj | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName InputEvents -TableName InputEventsList

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving device groups for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $deviceGroups[$device.Id] | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | ForEach-Object {
                            RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                            Hardware        = $hw.Name
                            Input           = $device.Name
                            Group           = $_
                    } | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName InputGroups -TableName InputGroupsList

            if ('Outputs' -in $IncludedDevices) {
                $hw | Get-VmsOutput -EnableFilter  | ForEach-Object {
                    $progress.CurrentOperation = '{0} "{1}"' -f [VideoOS.Platform.Proxy.ConfigApi.ConfigurationItemPath]::new($_.Path).ItemType, $_.Name
                    Write-Progress @progress
                    $device = $_
                    if (($EnableFilter -eq 'Enabled' -and -not $device.Enabled) -or ($EnableFilter -eq 'Disabled' -and $device.Enabled)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Skipping output $($device.Name) due to the EnableFilter value of $EnableFilter"
                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving output properties for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $device | Get-DevicePropertyList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName Outputs -TableName OutputsList }

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving output general settings for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $device | Get-GeneralSettingList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName OutputGeneralSettings -TableName OutputGeneralSettingsList }

                    Write-Verbose "Retrieving device groups for $($device.Name)"
                    $null = $deviceGroups[$device.Id] | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | ForEach-Object {
                            RecordingServer = $recorderMap[$hw.ParentItemPath].Name
                            Hardware        = $hw.Name
                            Output          = $device.Name
                            Group           = $_
                    } | Export-Excel @excelParams -WorksheetName OutputGroups -TableName OutputGroupsList
        $progress.PercentComplete = 100
        $progress.Completed = $true
        Write-Progress @progress

    end {
        $excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Name | ForEach-Object {
            if ($null -eq $excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[$_].GetValue(1, 1)) {
        $excelPackage | Close-ExcelPackage

function Import-VmsHardwareExcel {
    Imports hardware configuration from an Excel .XLSX document and adds and
    optionally updates hardware based.

    The `Import-VmsHardwareExcel` cmdlet accepts a path to an existing Excel
    .XLSX document, and imports the hardware configuration. The cmdlet can add
    new devices and update the settings of existing devices if the values in
    the Excel document differ from the live values.

    Depending on the content of the Excel document, the settings imported can
    include hardware, general settings, cameras, microphones, speakers, inputs,
    outputs, metadata, and the corresponding general settings, settings for
    streams, recording, events, motion, and more.

    The format of the Excel document, and the valid values for various settings
    is challenging to document. The best way to perform a successful import is
    to add and configure a representative sample of devices, and then use
    `Export-VmsHardwareExcel` to generate a configuration export. You can then
    use the export as a reference to build a document to import.

    Specifies a path to an existing Excel document in .XLSX format. While the
    `ImportExcel` module supports reading from password protected files, this
    has not been extended to this cmdlet. If no path is provided, an open-file
    dialog will be shown.

    .PARAMETER UpdateExisting
    If hardware defined in the Excel document is already added, it will not be
    modified by default. If you wish to update the settings for existing
    hardware during an import, this switch can be used.

    Update-VmsHardwareExcel -Path ~\Desktop\hardware.xlsx -Verbose

    Imports the hardware.xlsx file on the current user's desktop. If any cameras
    in the Excel document are already added, they will be ignored and their
    settings will not be modified if they have drifted from the configuration
    defined in the document.

    Update-VmsHardwareExcel -Path ~\Desktop\hardware.xlsx -UpdateExisting -Verbose

    Imports the hardware.xlsx file on the current user's desktop. If any cameras
    in the Excel document are already added, they will be updated to reflect the
    configuration defined in the document.

    param (


    begin {
        if ($null -eq (Get-VmsManagementServer -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue')) {
            Connect-ManagementServer -ShowDialog -AcceptEula -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
            $Path = Show-FileDialog -OpenFile
        try {
            $excelPackage = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $Path
            $worksheets = $excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Name
            $data = @{
                Hardware                  = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                HardwareGeneralSettings   = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                HardwarePtzSettings       = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                HardwareEvents            = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                Cameras                   = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                CameraGeneralSettings     = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                CameraStreams             = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                CameraStreamSettings      = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                CameraPtzPresets          = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                CameraPtzPatrols          = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                CameraPtzPatrolPresets    = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                CameraRelatedDevices      = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                CameraEvents              = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                CameraGroups              = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                Microphones               = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                MicrophoneGeneralSettings = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                MicrophoneStreamSettings  = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                MicrophoneEvents          = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                MicrophoneGroups          = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                Speakers                  = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                SpeakerGeneralSettings    = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                SpeakerEvents             = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                SpeakerGroups             = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                Metadata                  = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                MetadataGeneralSettings   = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                MetadataGroups            = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                Inputs                    = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                InputGeneralSettings      = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                InputEvents               = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                InputGroups               = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                Outputs                   = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                OutputGeneralSettings     = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
                OutputGroups              = [list[pscustomobject]]::new()
            foreach ($key in $data.Keys) {
                if ($key -in $worksheets) {
                    if ($excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[$key].GetValue(1, 1)) {
                        Import-Excel -ExcelPackage $excelPackage -WorksheetName $key | ForEach-Object {
                    } else {
                        Write-Verbose "Ignoring worksheet '$key' because the value at 1,1 is null."
        } finally {
            if ($excelPackage) {
                $excelPackage | Close-ExcelPackage -NoSave

    process {
        if ($data.Hardware.Count -eq 0) {
            Write-Error 'No hardware entries found in the Hardware worksheet.'

        $totalRows = $data.Hardware.Count
        $processedRows = 0
        $progressParams = @{
            Activity         = 'Importing hardware configuration from {0}' -f $Path
            Id               = 42
            PercentComplete  = 0
            CurrentOperation = 'Preparing'
        Write-Progress @progressParams

        $recorders = @{}
        $existingHardware = @{}
        foreach ($rec in Get-VmsRecordingServer) {
            $recorders[$rec.Name] = $rec
            $existingHardware[$rec.Name] = @{}
            foreach ($hw in $rec | Get-VmsHardware) {
                if ($uri = $hw.Address -as [uri]) {
                    $hostAndPort = $uri.GetComponents([UriComponents]::HostAndPort, [uriformat]::Unescaped)
                    $existingHardware[$rec.Name][$hostAndPort] = $hw

        foreach ($row in $data.Hardware | Sort-Object RecordingServer) {
            $progressParams.PercentComplete = [math]::Round(($processedRows++) / $totalRows * 100)
            $progressParams.CurrentOperation = '{0} ({1})' -f $row.Name, $row.Address
            Write-Progress @progressParams
            try {
                $recorder = if ($row.RecordingServer) { $recorders[$row.RecordingServer] } else { $null }
                if ($null -eq $recorder) {
                    Write-Warning "Recording server '$($row.RecordingServer)' not found. Skipping hardware '$($row.Name)' ($($row.Address))."

                $params = @{
                    #Name            = $row.Name
                    HardwareAddress = $row.Address -as [uri]
                    Credential      = if ($row.UserName -and $row.Password) { [pscredential]::new($row.UserName, ($row.Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)) } else { $null }
                    DriverNumber    = $row.DriverNumber -as [int]
                    RecordingServer = $recorder
                    ErrorAction     = 'Stop'

                # if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($params.Name)) {
                #     $params.Remove('Name')
                # }
                if (-not $params.HardwareAddress -or -not $params.HardwareAddress.IsAbsoluteUri) {
                    Write-Warning "Hardware '$($row.Name)' must have a valid address in the Address column. The value '$($row.Address)' is not a valid absolute URI. Example:"

                # $key = '{0}:{1}' -f $params.HardwareAddress.Host, $params.HardwareAddress.Port
                $hostAndPort = $params.HardwareAddress.GetComponents([UriComponents]::HostAndPort, [uriformat]::Unescaped)
                if (($hardware = $existingHardware[$row.RecordingServer][$hostAndPort])) {
                    if (-not $UpdateExisting) {
                        Write-Verbose "Skipping the hardware at $($params.HardwareAddress) because it is already added to $($recorder.Name). To Update existing hardware/devices, use the 'UpdateExisting' switch."
                } else {
                    if (-not $params.DriverNumber) {
                        $scanParams = @{
                            RecordingServer = $recorder
                            Address         = $params.HardwareAddress
                        if ($row.DriverGroup) {
                            $scanParams.DriverFamily = $row.DriverGroup
                        if ($params.Credential) {
                            $scanParams.Credential = $params.Credential
                        } else {
                        Write-Verbose "Scanning hardware at $($row.Address) for driver discovery"
                        $scan = Start-VmsHardwareScan @scanParams
                        if ($scan.HardwareScanValidated) {
                            $params.HardwareDriverPath = $scan.HardwareDriverPath
                            if ($null -eq $params.Credential) {
                                $params.Credential = [pscredential]::new($scan.UserName, ($scan.Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))
                        } else {
                            Write-Error -Message "Hardware scan failed for '$($params.Name)' ($($params.HardwareAddress)). Result: $($scan.ErrorText)"
                    $hardware = Add-VmsHardware @params
                $setHwParams = @{
                    Name        = if ($row.Name) { $row.Name } else { $hardware.Name }
                    Enabled     = $script:Truthy.IsMatch($row.Enabled)
                    Description = $row.Description
                    Verbose     = $VerbosePreference
                $hardware | Set-VmsHardware @setHwParams
                # $hardware.Name = if ($row.Name) { $row.Name } else { $hardware.Name }
                # $hardware.Enabled = 'False' -ne $row.Enabled
                # $hardware.Description = $row.Description
                # $hardware.Save()

                $settings = $data.HardwareGeneralSettings | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name }
                if ($settings) {
                    Import-GeneralSettingList -Device $hardware -Settings $settings

                $settings = $data.HardwarePtzSettings | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name } | Sort-Object Channel
                if ($settings) {
                    if ($hardware.HardwarePtzSettingsFolder.HardwarePtzSettings.Count) {
                        try {
                            $ptzSettings = $hardware.HardwarePtzSettingsFolder.HardwarePtzSettings
                            $channel = 0
                            foreach ($ptzChannel in $ptzSettings.HardwarePtzDeviceSettingChildItems) {
                                if ($settings.Count -lt ($channel + 1)) {
                                    Write-Warning "No HardwarePtzSettings available for channel $channel"
                                'PTZEnabled', 'PTZDeviceID', 'PTZCOMPort', 'PTZProtocol' | ForEach-Object {
                                    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($settings[$channel])) {
                                        Write-Warning "The supplied value for HardwarePtzSetting '$_' for $($hardware.Name) channel $channel is null or empty"
                                    if ($ptzChannel.Properties.GetValue($_) -cne $settings[$channel].$_) {
                                        $ptzChannel.Properties.SetValue($_, $settings[$channel].$_)

                                $channel += 1
                        } catch {
                    } else {
                        Write-Warning "Unable to import HardwarePtzSettings for '$($hardware.Name)'"

                $settings = $data.HardwareEvents | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name }
                if ($settings) {
                    Import-DeviceEventConfig -Device $hardware -Settings $settings

                $cameraRows = $data.Cameras | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name }
                if ($cameraRows) {
                    Write-Verbose "Updating camera properties for $($hardware.Name)"
                    $hardware | Get-VmsCamera -EnableFilter All | Where-Object Channel -In $cameraRows.Channel | ForEach-Object {
                        $camera = $_

                        Import-DevicePropertyList -Device $_ -Settings ($cameraRows | Where-Object Channel -EQ $_.Channel | Select-Object -First 1)

                        $generalSettings = $data.CameraGeneralSettings | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Camera -eq $camera.Name }
                        if ($generalSettings) {
                            Import-GeneralSettingList -Device $_ -Settings $generalSettings

                        $eventSettings = $data.CameraEvents | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Camera -eq $camera.Name }
                        if ($eventSettings) {
                            Import-DeviceEventConfig -Device $camera -Settings $eventSettings

                        $data.CameraStreams | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Camera -eq $camera.Name } | Sort-Object Channel | ForEach-Object {
                            $streamRow = $_
                            $stream = $camera | Get-VmsCameraStream -Name $streamRow.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                            if ($stream) {
                                $streamParams = @{}
                                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($streamRow.DisplayName)) {
                                    $streamParams.DisplayName = $streamRow.DisplayName
                                if ($streamRow.LiveMode -in 'Always', 'Never', 'WhenNeeded') {
                                    $streamParams.LiveMode = $streamRow.LiveMode
                                if ($script:TruthyFalsey.IsMatch($streamRow.LiveDefault)) {
                                    $streamParams.LiveDefault = $script:Truthy.IsMatch($streamRow.LiveDefault)
                                if ($script:TruthyFalsey.IsMatch($streamRow.PlaybackDefault)) {
                                    $streamParams.PlaybackDefault = $script:Truthy.IsMatch($streamRow.PlaybackDefault)
                                if ($streamRow.RecordingTrack -in 'Primary', 'Secondary', 'None') {
                                    $streamParams.RecordingTrack = $streamRow.RecordingTrack
                                if ($script:TruthyFalsey.IsMatch($streamRow.UseEdge)) {
                                    $streamParams.UseEdge = $script:Truthy.IsMatch($streamRow.UseEdge)
                                if ($streamParams.Count -gt 0) {
                                    $streamParams.Verbose = $VerbosePreference
                                    $stream | Set-VmsCameraStream @streamParams
                            } else {
                                Write-Warning "No stream found on $($camera.Name) with the name '$($streamRow.Name)'"

                        $data.CameraStreamSettings | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Camera -eq $camera.Name -and $_.Setting -and $_.Value } | Group-Object Stream | ForEach-Object {
                            $streamName = $_.Name
                            $streamSettings = @{}
                            $_.Group | ForEach-Object { $streamSettings[$_.Setting] = $_.Value }
                            $stream = $camera | Get-VmsCameraStream -Name $streamName -ErrorAction Ignore
                            if ($stream) {
                                $stream | Set-VmsCameraStream -Settings $streamSettings -Verbose:($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue' )
                            } else {
                                Write-Warning "No stream found on $($camera.Name) with the name '$($streamRow.Name)'"

                        $data.CameraPtzPresets | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Camera -eq $camera.Name } | ForEach-Object {
                            $ptzPresetRow = $_
                            if ($ptzPresetRow.Name -notin $camera.PtzPresetFolder.PtzPresets.Name) {
                                $newPtzPreset = $camera.PtzPresetFolder.AddPtzPreset($ptzPresetRow.Name, $ptzPresetRow.Description, $ptzPresetRow.Pan, $ptzPresetRow.Tilt, $ptzPresetRow.Zoom)
                                if ($ptzPresetRow.DefaultPreset -eq $true) {
                                    $null = $camera.PtzPresetFolder.DefaultPtzPreset($newPtzPreset.Path)

                        $data.CameraPtzPatrols | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Camera -eq $camera.Name } | ForEach-Object {
                            $ptzPatrolRow = $_
                            if ($ptzPatrolRow.Name -notin $camera.PatrollingProfileFolder.PatrollingProfiles.Name) {
                                $endPresetId = ($camera.PtzPresetFolder.PtzPresets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $ptzPatrolRow.EndPresetName }).Id
                                $newPtzPatrol = $camera.PatrollingProfileFolder.AddPatrollingProfile($ptzPatrolRow.Name, $ptzPatrolRow.Description, $ptzPatrolRow.CustomizeTransitions, $ptzPatrolRow.InitSpeed, $ptzPatrolRow.InitTransitionTime, $endPresetId, $ptzPatrolRow.EndSpeed, $ptzPatrolRow.EndTransitionTime)
                                $newPtzPatrol = $camera.PatrollingProfileFolder.PatrollingProfiles | Where-Object { $_.Path -eq $newPtzPatrol.Path }

                                $index = 0
                                $data.CameraPtzPatrolPresets | Where-Object { $_.Patrol -eq $newPtzPatrol.Name } | ForEach-Object {
                                    $ptzPatrolPresetRow = $_
                                    $patrolPresetId = ($camera.PtzPresetFolder.PtzPresets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $ptzPatrolPresetRow.PresetName }).Id
                                    $null = $newPtzPatrol.AddPatrollingEntry($ptzPatrolPresetRow.Order, $patrolPresetId, $ptzPatrolPresetRow.WaitTime)

                                    $patrol = Get-ConfigurationItem -Path "PatrollingProfile[$($newPtzPatrol.Id)]"
                                    if ($newPtzPatrol.CustomizeTransitions) {
                                        ($patrol.Children[$index].Properties | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq 'Speed' }).Value = $ptzPatrolPresetRow.Speed
                                        ($patrol.Children[$index].Properties | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq 'TransitionTime' }).Value = $ptzPatrolPresetRow.TransitionTime
                                    ### TODO: Refactor this section so Set-ConfigurationItem only needs to be called after the entire Patrol object has been updated
                                    $null = Set-ConfigurationItem -ConfigurationItem $patrol

                        $data.CameraGroups | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Camera -eq $camera.Name } | ForEach-Object {
                            # Device may already be added to the destination device group. If so, SilentlyContinue will hide the ArgumentMIPException error.
                            Write-Verbose "Adding $($camera.Name) to device group $($_.Group)"
                            New-VmsDeviceGroup -Type Camera -Path $_.Group | Add-VmsDeviceGroupMember -Device $camera -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "No cameras to configure for $($hardware.Name)"

                $rows = $data.Microphones | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name }
                if ($rows) {
                    Write-Verbose "Updating microphone properties for $($hardware.Name)"
                    $hardware | Get-VmsMicrophone -EnableFilter All | Where-Object Channel -In $rows.Channel | ForEach-Object {
                        $device = $_

                        Import-DevicePropertyList -Device $device -Settings ($rows | Where-Object Channel -EQ $device.Channel | Select-Object -First 1)

                        $generalSettings = $data.MicrophoneGeneralSettings | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Microphone -eq $device.Name }
                        if ($generalSettings) {
                            Import-GeneralSettingList -Device $device -Settings $generalSettings

                        $eventSettings = $data.MicrophoneEvents | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Microphone -eq $device.Name }
                        if ($eventSettings) {
                            Import-DeviceEventConfig -Device $device -Settings $eventSettings

                        $data.MicrophoneGroups | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Microphone -eq $device.Name } | ForEach-Object {
                            # Device may already be added to the destination device group. If so, SilentlyContinue will hide the ArgumentMIPException error.
                            Write-Verbose "Adding $($device.Name) to device group $($_.Group)"
                            New-VmsDeviceGroup -Type Microphone -Path $_.Group | Add-VmsDeviceGroupMember -Device $device -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "No microphones to configure for $($hardware.Name)"

                $rows = $data.Speakers | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name }
                if ($rows) {
                    Write-Verbose "Updating speaker properties for $($hardware.Name)"
                    $hardware | Get-VmsSpeaker -EnableFilter All | Where-Object Channel -In $rows.Channel | ForEach-Object {
                        $device = $_

                        Import-DevicePropertyList -Device $device -Settings ($rows | Where-Object Channel -EQ $device.Channel | Select-Object -First 1)

                        $generalSettings = $data.SpeakerGeneralSettings | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Speaker -eq $device.Name }
                        if ($generalSettings) {
                            Import-GeneralSettingList -Device $device -Settings $generalSettings

                        $data.SpeakerGroups | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Speaker -eq $device.Name } | ForEach-Object {
                            # Device may already be added to the destination device group. If so, SilentlyContinue will hide the ArgumentMIPException error.
                            Write-Verbose "Adding $($device.Name) to device group $($_.Group)"
                            New-VmsDeviceGroup -Type Speaker -Path $_.Group | Add-VmsDeviceGroupMember -Device $device -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "No speakers to configure for $($hardware.Name)"

                $rows = $data.Metadata | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name }
                if ($rows) {
                    Write-Verbose "Updating metadata properties for $($hardware.Name)"
                    $hardware | Get-VmsMetadata -EnableFilter All | Where-Object Channel -In $rows.Channel | ForEach-Object {
                        $device = $_

                        Import-DevicePropertyList -Device $device -Settings ($rows | Where-Object Channel -EQ $device.Channel | Select-Object -First 1)

                        $generalSettings = $data.MetadataGeneralSettings | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Metadata -eq $device.Name }
                        if ($generalSettings) {
                            Import-GeneralSettingList -Device $device -Settings $generalSettings

                        $data.MetadataGroups | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Metadata -eq $device.Name } | ForEach-Object {
                            # Device may already be added to the destination device group. If so, SilentlyContinue will hide the ArgumentMIPException error.
                            Write-Verbose "Adding $($device.Name) to device group $($_.Group)"
                            New-VmsDeviceGroup -Type Metadata -Path $_.Group | Add-VmsDeviceGroupMember -Device $device -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "No metadata to configure for $($hardware.Name)"

                $rows = $data.Inputs | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name }
                if ($rows) {
                    Write-Verbose "Updating IO input properties for $($hardware.Name)"
                    $hardware | Get-VmsInput -EnableFilter All | Where-Object Channel -In $rows.Channel | ForEach-Object {
                        $device = $_

                        Import-DevicePropertyList -Device $device -Settings ($rows | Where-Object Channel -EQ $device.Channel | Select-Object -First 1)

                        $generalSettings = $data.InputGeneralSettings | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.InputEvent -eq $device.Name }
                        if ($generalSettings) {
                            Import-GeneralSettingList -Device $device -Settings $generalSettings

                        $data.InputGroups | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Input -eq $device.Name } | ForEach-Object {
                            # Device may already be added to the destination device group. If so, SilentlyContinue will hide the ArgumentMIPException error.
                            Write-Verbose "Adding $($device.Name) to device group $($_.Group)"
                            New-VmsDeviceGroup -Type Input -Path $_.Group | Add-VmsDeviceGroupMember -Device $device -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "No inputs to configure for $($hardware.Name)"

                $rows = $data.Outputs | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name }
                if ($rows) {
                    Write-Verbose "Updating IO output properties for $($hardware.Name)"
                    $hardware | Get-VmsOutput -EnableFilter All | Where-Object Channel -In $rows.Channel | ForEach-Object {
                        $device = $_

                        Import-DevicePropertyList -Device $device -Settings ($rows | Where-Object Channel -EQ $device.Channel | Select-Object -First 1)

                        $generalSettings = $data.OutputGeneralSettings | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Output -eq $device.Name }
                        if ($generalSettings) {
                            Import-GeneralSettingList -Device $device -Settings $generalSettings

                        $data.OutputGroups | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Output -eq $device.Name } | ForEach-Object {
                            # Device may already be added to the destination device group. If so, SilentlyContinue will hide the ArgumentMIPException error.
                            Write-Verbose "Adding $($device.Name) to device group $($_.Group)"
                            New-VmsDeviceGroup -Type Output -Path $_.Group | Add-VmsDeviceGroupMember -Device $device -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "No outputs to configure for $($hardware.Name)"
            } catch {
                Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_
        $progressParams.PercentComplete = 100
        $progressParams.Completed = $true
        Write-Progress @progressParams


        $totalRows = $data.Hardware.Count
        $processedRows = 0
        $progressParams = @{
            Activity        = 'Configuring related devices'
            Id              = 43
            PercentComplete = 0
        Write-Progress @progressParams

        foreach ($row in $data.Hardware | Sort-Object RecordingServer) {
            $progressParams.PercentComplete = [math]::Round(($processedRows++) / $totalRows * 100)
            $progressParams.CurrentOperation = '{0} ({1})' -f $row.Name, $row.Address
            Write-Progress @progressParams

            $recorder = if ($row.RecordingServer) { $recorders[$row.RecordingServer] } else { $null }
            if ($null -eq $recorder) {

            $params = @{
                Name            = $row.Name
                HardwareAddress = $row.Address -as [uri]
                RecordingServer = $recorder
                ErrorAction     = 'Stop'

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($params.Name)) {

            # $key = '{0}:{1}' -f $params.HardwareAddress.Host, $params.HardwareAddress.Port
            $hostAndPort = $params.HardwareAddress.GetComponents([UriComponents]::HostAndPort, [uriformat]::Unescaped)
            if (($hardware = $existingHardware[$row.RecordingServer][$hostAndPort])) {
                if (-not $UpdateExisting) {
                    Write-Verbose "Skipping the hardware at $($params.HardwareAddress) because it is already added to $($recorder.Name). To Update existing hardware/devices, use the 'UpdateExisting' switch."

            $hardware = Get-VmsHardware -Name $row.Name
            $cameraRows = $data.Cameras | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name }
            if ($cameraRows) {
                foreach ($camera in $hardware | Get-VmsCamera -EnableFilter All) {
                    $relatedDevicesString = $null
                    $data.CameraRelatedDevices | Where-Object { $_.RecordingServer -eq $recorder.Name -and $_.Hardware -eq $hardware.Name -and $_.Camera -eq $camera.Name -and $_.Channel -eq $camera.Channel } | ForEach-Object {
                        $relatedDevicesRow = $_
                        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($relatedDevicesString)) {
                            $relatedRec = $recorders[$relatedDevicesRow.RelatedRecordingServerName]
                            $relatedHW = Get-VmsHardware -RecordingServer $relatedRec | Where-Object Address -EQ $relatedDevicesRow.RelatedHardwareAddress
                            switch ($relatedDevicesRow.RelatedDeviceType) {
                                Metadata { $relatedDeviceItem = Get-VmsMetadata -EnableFilter All -Hardware $relatedHW -Channel $relatedDevicesRow.Channel }
                                Microphone { $relatedDeviceItem = Get-VmsMicrophone -EnableFilter All -Hardware $relatedHW -Channel $relatedDevicesRow.Channel }
                                Speaker { $relatedDeviceItem = Get-VmsSpeaker -EnableFilter All -Hardware $relatedHW -Channel $relatedDevicesRow.Channel }
                            [string]$relatedDevicesString = $relatedDeviceItem.Path
                        } else {
                            $relatedRec = $recorders[$relatedDevicesRow.RelatedRecordingServerName]
                            $relatedHW = Get-VmsHardware -RecordingServer $relatedRec | Where-Object Address -EQ $relatedDevicesRow.RelatedHardwareAddress
                            switch ($relatedDevicesRow.RelatedDeviceType) {
                                Metadata { $relatedDeviceItem = Get-VmsMetadata -EnableFilter All -Hardware $relatedHW -Channel $relatedDevicesRow.Channel }
                                Microphone { $relatedDeviceItem = Get-VmsMicrophone -EnableFilter All -Hardware $relatedHW -Channel $relatedDevicesRow.Channel }
                                Speaker { $relatedDeviceItem = Get-VmsSpeaker -EnableFilter All -Hardware $relatedHW -Channel $relatedDevicesRow.Channel }
                            [string]$relatedDevicesString += ",$($relatedDeviceItem.Path)"
                    $clientSettingsItem = $camera.ClientSettingsFolder.ClientSettings[0]
                    $clientSettingsItem.Related = $relatedDevicesString
        $progressParams.PercentComplete = 100
        $progressParams.Completed = $true
        Write-Progress @progressParams


Export-ModuleMember -Function Export-VmsHardwareExcel, Import-VmsHardwareExcel