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Gets the matching camera records from the Milestone XProtect Management Server.


QueryItems (Default)

Get-VmsCamera [[-Name] <String>] [[-Description] <String>] [[-Channel] <Int32[]>]
 [[-EnableFilter] <EnableFilter>] [[-Comparison] <Operator>] [[-MaxResults] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Get-VmsCamera [-Hardware] <Hardware[]> [[-Name] <String>] [[-Description] <String>] [[-Channel] <Int32[]>]
 [[-EnableFilter] <EnableFilter>] [[-Comparison] <Operator>] [<CommonParameters>]


Get-VmsCamera [-Id] <Guid[]> [<CommonParameters>]


Uses Milestone's Configuration API to retrieve matching camera records. The objects returned are read/write representations of the matching cameras. You may use these for reporting purposes, or for changing configuration properties.

To change properties on the camera records, you may directly modify the value of properties, or you may use the Set-VmsCamera cmdlet. When directly modifying the object's properties, you must call the ".Save()" method, or the changes will not be communicated to the Management Server.

By default, this cmdlet only returns enabled cameras. To return cameras that are disabled, or to return all cameras, use the EnableFilter parameter to set your preference.


  • Requires VMS connection and will attempt to connect automatically


Example 1

Connect-ManagementServer -ShowDialog -AcceptEula

Name                                                      Channel Enabled LastModified          Id
----                                                      ------- ------- ------------          --
Axis A8105-E ( - Camera 1                     0       True    1/15/2022 12:22:27 PM 3DCCE3DA-021D-4968-831C-24F09031EEDA
Axis M1125 ( - Camera 1                       0       True    1/15/2022 11:29:10 AM 44E1D43D-4A54-4B8A-8E3D-513EB7007AAC
Axis P1375 ( - Camera 1                       0       True    1/15/2022 11:22:44 AM DD9F523E-AFB2-4E6F-A11D-262A4E760B5A
Axis P3225-LV ( - Camera 1                    0       True    1/15/2022 11:22:48 AM 71D46BAA-9810-45B0-8461-DD5B369FFB0B

In this example, we first ensure we are logged in to the Management Server. Then we call the "Get-VmsCamera" cmdlet with no parameters which will return all enabled cameras. By piping these results to "Out-GridView" we can view the output in a sortable, searchable table.

Example 2

Get-VmsCamera -Name 'Garage'

Name           Channel Enabled LastModified         Id
----           ------- ------- ------------         --
Garage Camera  0       True    1/18/2022 3:41:21 PM CA146DFD-72C9-4BBA-83DD-8B680E70DA1B

This example demonstrates how to find all enabled cameras with the word "Garage" anywhere in the camera name. The search is case-insensitive and will return cameras named "Shop Garage" or "Rear garage door".

Example 3

Get-VmsCamera -Name 'Garage' -EnableFilter All

Name     Channel Enabled LastModified         Id
----     ------- ------- ------------         --
Garage 1 0       True    12/1/2021 4:23:24 PM 430FA37D-CBE6-4248-9CBA-989AEF7F0428
Garage 2 1       False   1/13/2022 1:27:42 PM 22436AA5-CC64-4F82-A35C-3EF9ADEFED74
Garage 3 0       True    1/17/2022 4:32:00 PM 80DA2327-D178-457A-8216-0F7D6CF2F746

Find all cameras, enabled or disabled, with the word "Garage" anywhere in the camera name. The search is case-insensitive, and uses a fast search feature introduced in XProtect 2020 R2.

Example 4

Get-VmsHardware | Where-Object Name -like '*Elevator*' | Get-VmsCamera -EnableFilter All

Name           Channel Enabled LastModified         Id
----           ------- ------- ------------         --
North Elevator 0       True    1/18/2022 3:41:21 PM CA146DFD-72C9-4BBA-83DD-8B680E70DA1B

Find all hardware where the word "elevator" appears in the name, and then return all camera channels associated with those hardware devices, both enabled and disabled.

Example 5

Get-VmsCamera -Id '42C055AA-3EAC-45AF-B956-5C253384BDF1'

Name           Channel Enabled LastModified         Id
----           ------- ------- ------------         --
Garage Cam 1   0       True    1/18/2022 3:41:21 PM 42C055AA-3EAC-45AF-B956-5C253384BDF1

Returns one camera matching the supplied ID.

Example 6

(Get-ItemState -CamerasOnly | Where-Object State -ne 'Responding').FQID.ObjectId | Get-VmsCamera

Name                      Channel Enabled LastModified          Id
----                      ------- ------- ------------          --
Canon VB-M40 - Camera 1   0       True    12/7/2021 3:37:23 PM  3E337A3D-8C48-4B9E-A61A-972CDD261B27
Canon VB-S900F - Camera 1 0       True    12/7/2021 3:04:59 PM  539FDA6D-1167-4C3D-854D-577B60FEAB88

Retrieves the state of all enabled cameras, and extracts the ID of all cameras that are not responding, according to the Milestone Event Server. These camera ID's are then used to retrieve the camera configuration records for these cameras.

Example 7

Get-VmsHardware | Get-VmsCamera -Channel (1..15)

Name   Channel Enabled LastModified         Id
----   ------- ------- ------------         --
TH6TC2 1       True   1/17/2022 4:32:00 PM 96F49AF3-861C-4037-8950-8B933644E861
TH6TC3 2       True   1/17/2022 4:32:00 PM 8A175713-823A-46EF-A0E4-1768EA7A5A04
TH6TC4 3       True   1/17/2022 4:32:00 PM C958EE67-4C72-4884-A77F-A3882FB12F97

Returns all enabled cameras from all hardware devices where the channel number is between 1 and 15, representing camera 2 through camera 16. You might use this if you only want the first channel enabled, and you want to use the results of this query to disable unwanted camera channels.



Specifies the camera channel number, or numbers, to return. Numbering starts at zero, so channel 0 corresponds to the first camera on the hardware device.

Type: Int32[]
Parameter Sets: QueryItems, Hardware

Required: False
Position: 2
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the type of string comparison to perform when searching by name, or description. By default, cameras will be returned if the camera name contains the values specified in the Name or Description parameters anywhere in the string, and the comparison will be case-insensitive.

Type: Operator
Parameter Sets: QueryItems, Hardware
Accepted values: Equals, NotEquals, LessThan, GreaterThan, Contains, BeginsWith

Required: False
Position: 4
Default value: Contains
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies a camera description, or any part of a camera description to search for. Any cameras with a matching description will be returned. The default behavior is to return cameras where the supplied value appears anywhere in the camera's description. You may change this behavior by providing an alternate comparison operator using the Comparison parameter.

Please note that if you supply both a Name and a Description value, the search results returned will include only cameras where the name and description both match the query.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: QueryItems, Hardware

Required: False
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies whether to return enabled, disabled, or all cameras when querying by hardware or searching by name or description. The default is to return only enabled cameras.

Type: EnableFilter
Parameter Sets: QueryItems, Hardware
Accepted values: All, Enabled, Disabled

Required: False
Position: 3
Default value: Enabled
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the hardware object from which to return matching cameras. Results can be filtered further by providing values for one or more additional parameters.

Type: Hardware[]
Parameter Sets: Hardware

Required: True
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies one or more camera ID's in GUID format. All cameras matching the supplied GUID's will be returned.

Type: Guid[]
Parameter Sets: Id

Required: True
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the maximum number of results to return when searching by name or description. By default, the maximum number of results is 2147483647.

Type: Int32
Parameter Sets: QueryItems

Required: False
Position: 5
Default value: [int]::MaxValue
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies a camera name, or any part of a camera name to search for. Any cameras with a matching name will be returned. The default behavior is to return cameras where the supplied value appears anywhere in the camera's name. You may change this behavior by providing an alternate comparison operator using the Comparison parameter.

Please note that if you supply both a Name and a Description value, the search results returned will include only cameras where the name and description both match the query.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: QueryItems, Hardware

Required: False
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.





