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Describes how the custom attributes in MilestonePSTools are used internally, and how they can be used externally.


Attributes are used to add information and/or change behavior for pieces of software. They can be used during the use of software to affect the user experience in some way, and they can be used externally as a documentation tool.

Custom attributes were introduced internally in MilestonePSTools version 23.2.1, and are expanded and improved for version 23.2.2. The attributes listed below are used in this module to validate that certain criteria are met, depending on the command, or parameters used. Some attributes are applied to command parameters, and others are applied to whole commands.


Requires vs Validate

The [MilestonePSTools.Validate*()] attributes are similar to the built-in parameter validation attributes like [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()], or [ValidateSet('Option1', 'Option2')]. When these built-in attributes are applied to a parameter in a command, and that parameter is used, the Validate(object arguments, EngineIntrinsics engineIntrinsics) method of that attribute is automatically invoked by the PowerShell runtime. The source code for the attribute will then make sure that the input provided is valid. The difference with the initial two custom argument validation attributes in MilestonePSTools is that they don't check the value of the parameter. Instead, they check the connected VMS to ensure the environment is suitable for using those parameters.

As an example, the Set-VmsRecordingServer function has some parameters for changing settings related to failover recording servers. But if you provide values for these parameters on a system without support for failover recording servers, the [ValidateVmsFeature('RecordingServerFailover')] attributes will automatically ensure that the command fails with a clear and consistent error message.

The [MilestonePSTools.Requires*()] attributes serve a similar purpose, but the implementation is slightly different. These attributes are intended to be applied to the whole function and are placed next to where the [CmdletBinding()], [OutputType()], and other "class level attributes" are normally found, just above the param() block. However, the PowerShell 5.1 runtime will not automatically call Validate() methods on attributes applied to functions or cmdlets, so we needed to do this ourselves. Every function in MilestonePSTools that uses one of these attributes will therefore include a call to Assert-VmsRequirementsMet in the Begin {} block.

The Assert-VmsRequirementsMet function uses Get-PSCallStack to find the function from which it was invoked, and looks for any attributes which implement the MilestonePSTools.IVmsRequirementValidator interface. The Validate() method is then called for each matching attribute. If an exception error is thrown by any one of these attributes, the function will return a descriptive error message and no further code in that function will execute.



The [MilestonePSTools.RequiresVmsConnection()] attribute ensures that a function will not run unless you are connected to a Milestone XProtect VMS. If you are not connected, it will by default attempt to connect by calling Connect-Vms. This command will by default connect to the profile named "default". If no default connection profile exists, a login dialog will be displayed instead. In both cases, if the connection fails, the command will throw a VmsNotConnectedException error and stop.

When used without any arguments, the RequiresVmsConnection attribute will require a VMS connection, and will auto-connect if no connection is available.

function Test-RequiresVmsConnection {

    begin {
        Assert-VmsRequirementsMet # (1)!

    process {
        $true # (2)!
  1. It is necessary to call this function when using the MilestonePSTools.Requires* attributes, or no assertions will be made and the function will continue whether a connection is available or not.
  2. This line will not be reached if a connection is not available.

If you want to ensure the command does not run without a connection, but you don't want to automatically connect to the default connection profile, you can provide values for ConnectionRequired and AutoConnect.

function Test-RequiresVmsConnection {
    [MilestonePSTools.RequiresVmsConnection(ConnectionRequired, AutoConnect = $false)]

    begin {
        Assert-VmsRequirementsMet # (1)!

    process {
        $true # (2)!
  1. It is necessary to call this function when using the MilestonePSTools.Requires* attributes, or no assertions will be made and the function will continue whether a connection is available or not.
  2. This line will not be reached if a connection is not available.


The [MilestonePSTools.RequiresVmsFeature('feature-name')] attribute will check for the presence of a feature flag on the connected VMS and throw a VmsNotConnectedException error if not connected to a VMS, or a VmsFeatureNotAvailableException error if connected to a VMS without the specified feature flag. The feature flags available in your VMS can be found using (Get-VmsSystemLicense).FeatureFlags.

Only one feature flag may be specified per attribute, but you can apply the attribute more than once if there are two or more feature flags you want to ensure are present before running your function.

function Test-RequiresVmsFeature {

    begin {
        Assert-VmsRequirementsMet # (1)!

    process {
        $true # (2)!
  1. It is necessary to call this function when using the MilestonePSTools.Requires* attributes, or no assertions will be made and the function will continue whether a connection is available or not.
  2. This line will not be reached if a connection is not available.


The [MilestonePSTools.RequiresVmsVersion('23.2')] attribute asserts that the connected VMS version matches the specified version string. The basic syntax checks whether the VMS version is at least the specified version. The version numbers use the Major.Minor.Build.Revision format but can typically be simplified to a Major.Minor version. For example, Milestone XProtect 2023 R2 is version 23.2, and 2023 R3 will be 23.3.

If the need arises, you can specify that the version must be between a minimum and maximum version (inclusive or exclusive), or exactly the specified version. See the examples below, and Microsoft's nuget package versioning documentation for more detail on defining very specific version requirements.

The simplest, and most common usage is to specify that the VMS version is at least some version. For example, commands using the "replace hardware" functionality introduced to Milestone's APIs in version 2023 R1 should assert that the VMS version is at least "23.1".

function Test-RequiresVmsVersion {

    begin {
        Assert-VmsRequirementsMet # (1)!

    process {
        $true # (2)!
  1. It is necessary to call this function when using the MilestonePSTools.Requires* attributes, or no assertions will be made and the function will continue whether a connection is available or not.
  2. This line will not be reached if a connection is not available.

If you have reason to restrict a command to a specific VMS version exactly, you can enclose the version number in square brackets.

function Test-RequiresVmsVersion {

    begin {
        Assert-VmsRequirementsMet # (1)!

    process {
        $true # (2)!
  1. It is necessary to call this function when using the MilestonePSTools.Requires* attributes, or no assertions will be made and the function will continue whether a connection is available or not.
  2. This line will not be reached if a connection is not available.

In some cases it might be required to limit a function to operating against VMS versions in a given range. If no minimum version is provided, it is assumed to be [Version]''. Square brackets and parentheses are used to indicate whether the version values are to be inclusive or exclusive, respectfully.

function Test-RequiresVmsVersion {

    begin {

    process {
        # The VMS version is at least 2020 R1, and no greater than 2022 R3
function Test-RequiresVmsVersion {

    begin {

    process {
        # The VMS version is older than 2023 R1


The [MilestonePSTools.RequiresElevation()] attribute will check whether the current PowerShell session has elevated privileges (run as administrator). Most commands in MilestonePSTools do not require elevated privileges, but a few of them do because they update properties of the operating system or because they call external utilities like Server Configurator which requires elevation.

Normally, if your script requires administrator privileges, you should add #Requires -RunAsAdministrator to the top of your script. PowerShell will then automatically fail to execute the script without elevation, and this is a capability that is built into the PowerShell runtime.

However, if you have a collection of functions with some that require elevation and some that do not, you might want to check for elevation in some of them and not others. In that case, this attribute can be useful.

function Test-RequiresElevation {

    begin {

    process {


The [MilestonePSTools.ValidateVmsFeature('feature-flag')] attribute is applied to function parameters where the use of that parameter depends on the presence of a specific feature flag. Unlike the [MilestonePSTools.Requires*] attributes, this attribute does not require you to call Assert-VmsRequirementsMet.

To see a list of the feature flags associated with your VMS installation, you can use (Get-VmsSystemLicense).FeatureFlags. If you need to write a function with a parameter that requires the presence of the "SmartClientProfiles" feature flag, you would decorate the parameter with [MilestonePSTools.ValidateVmsFeature('SmartClientProfiles')] as in the example below.

function Test-ValidateVmsFeature {


    process {


The [MilestonePSTools.ValidateVmsVersion('23.2')] attribute is applied to function parameters where the use of that parameter requires a specific VMS version. For example, Set-VmsCameraStream has a "PlaybackDefault" parameter which is only applicable on VMS version 2023 R2 and later as it relates to a feature introduced in 2023 R2 which allows a second stream to be recorded.

function Test-ValidateVmsVersion {


    process {

Attributes vs Assert Functions

Without the use of attributes, code would need to be added to every function where a specific VMS feature must be present, or where a VMS version requirement must be met. The implementation might not be the same in every command, and the error messages across different commands might be inconsistent as a result.

The "DRY" principle, or "Don't Repeat Yourself", informs us that we should aim to minimize repetition in our code. To do that, we could choose to create specific functions like Assert-VmsVersion and Assert-VmsFeature, and that is a perfectly good solution. But what happens when a function has a version, and a feature requirement? Now we need to remember to call both "assert" functions.

Honestly, that's not so bad. It's probably less complex than the use of custom attributes. However, attributes have the added advantage of being easy to "query" for documentation purposes. Any attribute applied to a function, cmdlet, or parameter, is relatively easily discovered using "reflection" - a feature of many programming languages allowing a program to "look" at itself.

The custom attributes in MilestonePSTools are therefore used to simplify the use of "assertions", as well as to ensure the module documentation includes information about the unique requirements of each command. And because the documentation is generated, and updated each time a new version of the module is built, these properties will always be present and up to date in the documentation if a custom attribute is used in that command.