Gets stream configuration information for the specified camera(s).
ByName (Default)¶
Video stream configuration in a Milestone XProtect VMS includes properties of the video stream(s) themselves, such as framerate, codec, and resolution, in addition to whether the VMS will use those video streams, and for what purpose.
The results returned from this cmdlet include the immutable name of the video stream such as "Video stream 1", which is displayed in the settings tab for each camera in Management Client. A collection of key-value pairs representing the properties of the video stream is available in the "Settings" property of the [VmsCameraStreamConfig] object.
A second hashtable with keys matching the keys of the Settings hashtable is available under a property named "ValueTypeInfo. Each element in the ValueTypeInfo hashtable is a collection of ValueTypeInformation objects representing the valid values, or ranges for each setting for the stream. See the examples for more information.
If the stream is in use by the VMS for either live streaming, or for recording, then the stream's "Enabled" property will be $true. When a stream is in use, it will have a DisplayName value representing the name of the stream displayed to anyone using a client application like XProtect Smart Client. The Name property is immutable, but you may name the DisplayName property as needed.
Also included are the LiveMode, LiveDefault, and Recorded properties. These indicate whether the stream is selected as the default live stream, and/or the recorded stream. And whether the stream is available for live viewing Always, Never, or WhenNeeded.
The LiveMode of a stream can only be set to "Never" when the stream is exclusively used for recording. This is to allow administrators to record at a very high quality, while avoiding unnecessary bandwidth usage by enabling only a lower-bandwidth stream for live viewing. When the LiveMode is set to "WhenNeeded", the recording server will only pull that stream from the camera when a client requests it.
- Requires VMS connection and will attempt to connect automatically
Example 1¶
Connect-ManagementServer -ShowDialog -AcceptEula
$camera = Select-Camera -SingleSelect -Title 'Select a camera (double-click)'
$camera | Get-VmsCameraStream -LiveDefault
Camera Name DisplayName Enabled LiveMode LiveDefault Recorded
------ ---- ----------- ------- -------- ----------- --------
Cam Lab Video stream 1 Live stream True WhenNeeded True True
After first logging in to the Management Server, we use a helpful camera selection dialog. Select any camera, and the properties of the default live stream will be displayed. The properties include Settings and ValueTypeInfo collections as hashtables, but they are not rendered in the PowerShell terminal by default because hashtables don't display very useful information unless they are expanded. The next example will show how to display more information about the stream settings.
Example 2¶
$camera = Select-Camera -SingleSelect -Title 'Select a camera (double-click)'
$stream = $camera | Get-VmsCameraStream -LiveDefault
Name Value
---- -----
ZFpsMode Fixed
Compression 30
StreamingMode RTP/RTSP/TCP
ControlMode Variable bit rate
TargetBitrate 2000
MaxBitrate 0
Resolution 1280x720
FPS 10
MaxGOPMode Default (determined by driver)
ControlPriority None
IncludeTime No
EdgeStorageSupported true
ZGopLength 300
ZGopMode Fixed
MaxGOPSize 30
ZStrength Low
RetentionTime 7
IncludeDate No
Codec H.265
($camera | Get-VmsCameraStream -LiveDefault -RawValues).Settings
<# OUTPUT (raw values)
Name Value
---- -----
ZFpsMode fixed
Compression 30
StreamingMode TCP
ControlMode VariableBitRate
TargetBitrate 2000
MaxBitrate 0
Resolution 1280x720
FPS 10
MaxGOPMode default
ControlPriority None
IncludeTime no
EdgeStorageSupported True
ZGopLength 300
ZGopMode fixed
MaxGOPSize 30
ZStrength low
RetentionTime 7
IncludeDate no
Codec h265
This example begins the same as the last, using a camera selection dialog. Then we store the VmsCameraStreamConfig reference in the "$stream" variable, and display the content of "$stream.Settings". The results are a collection of key/value pairs representing a variety of properties of the default live stream for the selected camera.
The properties will vary widely by camera make, model, and Milestone device pack driver. For instance, not every camera will have an "FPS" or "Resolution" property, and in some cases, they may be present, but with different names or value formats. For example, Resolution for one camera might be formatted like "1920x1080", while another camera stores resolution values like "MP 1080p". The properties and their available values are determined by the device pack driver on the recording server.
By default, the values for settings are the "display values". For example, the raw value for Codec might be "4", but that is not meaningful for a report, so the display value for "4" is retrieved from the ValueTypeInfo collection. If raw values are preferred, you can use the "-RawValues" switch.
Note that there are some settings, such as "EdgeStorageSupported" which are read-only. However, there is currently no method to discover this using this cmdlet.
Example 3¶
# This example will show the properties of an Axis camera using the ONVIF driver
$camera = Select-Camera -SingleSelect -Title 'Select a camera (double-click)'
$stream = $camera | Get-VmsCameraStream -LiveDefault -RawValues
<# OUTPUT (partial)
Name Value
---- -----
Codec 4
TranslationId Name Value
------------- ---- -----
f98cc65b-4b3c-43c6-b59e-25003f32b9a5 JPEG 0
e6d2aa07-39fc-49d7-a632-3ceb08b754c6 H.264 Baseline Profile 3
83f64935-44f7-40aa-860d-20fe57be44ce H.264 Main Profile 4
83c9a259-d54e-4179-91e9-d7c053dc0de8 H.264 High Profile 6
5acf7ca5-e822-460b-a70d-d3c82e28af48 H.265 Main Profile 7
Building on the last example, here we dig deeper to understand the meaning of the codec setting value of "4". The setting name "Codec" is a key in the ValueTypeInfo hashtable and when we reveal the contents, we see a list of ValueTypeInformation objects showing the display name (Name) and internal value (Value) for each value available for that setting.
We also see a TranslationId property. This can be used in combination with the "Get-Translation" cmdlet to get a localized display name for each value.
Example 4¶
# This example will show the properties of an Axis camera using the ONVIF driver
$camera = Select-Camera -SingleSelect -Title 'Select a camera (double-click)'
$stream = $camera | Get-VmsCameraStream -LiveDefault
<# OUTPUT (partial)
Name Value
---- -----
Quality 70
TranslationId Name Value
------------- ---- -----
MinValue 0
MaxValue 100
StepValue 1
This example shows a different type of value you will encounter - a range. You will typically see these value types when working with numeric settings like FPS, Quality, Compression, and so on.
When we check the ValueTypeInfo collection for the Quality property, we see the range defined as 0-100 using the MinValue and MaxValue entries. There is also a StepValue indicated, and from this we can determine that only whole numbers between 0 and 100 are accepted as values for the Quality setting. This value includes a StepValue, but not every range does.
Since this value is not an "enumeration" type with fixed values like "Low" or "High", there are no words to translate, and we do not see any TranslationId values.
Example 5¶
$codec = @{
Name = 'Codec'
Expression = {$_.Settings.Codec}
$fps = @{
Name = 'FPS'
Expression = {$_.Settings.FPS}
Get-VmsHardware | Get-VmsCamera | Get-VmsCameraStream -LiveDefault | `
Select-Object Camera, Name, DisplayName, Recorded, $codec, $fps | `
Select-Object -First 10 | `
Camera Name DisplayName Recorded Codec FPS
------ ---- ----------- -------- ----- ---
Learning & Performance (Bos... Video stream 1 Video stream 1 True 15
US101 at Lincoln City - Log... Video stream 1 Video stream 1 True MJPEG 0.5
I-405 at MP 0.8: West Valle... Video stream 1 Video stream 1 True MJPEG 0.5
Camera Lab (AXIS P1435-LE) Video stream 2 Video stream 2 False H.264 15
Southwest Corner - Rear Ent... Video stream 2 Video stream 2 False H.264 15
Halo Smart Sensor Video stream 1 Video stream 1 True H.264 10
I-84 at LePage Park - John ... Video stream 1 Video stream 1 True MJPEG 0.5
Gameroom door (AXIS P3245-V... Video stream 2 Video stream 2 False H.264 15
Southwest Corner - Rear Par... Video stream 2 Video stream 2 False H.264 15
Lobby Fisheye (Bosch 7000 M... Video stream 2 Video stream 2 False 15
This example shows how you might use the cmdlet to learn about how all camera live streams are configured. With the "Select-Object -First 10" we limit the results. The $codec, and $fps hashtables are used to add "calculated properties" to our use of "Select-Object". When you want to include the nested value of a property in your results, this is one way to do that.
The camera name is included in the default view for these results, and if you need more information from the camera object, you can use the hidden "Camera" property attached to the VmsCameraStreamConfig object returned by this cmdlet.
Example 6¶
$camera = Select-Camera -SingleSelect -Title 'Select a camera (double-click)'
# Get the stream used as the default playback stream
$camera | Get-VmsCameraStream -PlaybackDefault
# Get the stream(s) that are NOT used as the default playback stream
$camera | Get-VmsCameraStream -PlaybackDefault:$false
# Get the primary recording stream
$camera | Get-VmsCameraStream -RecordingTrack Primary
# Get the secondary recording stream (supported in 2023 R2 and later)
$camera | Get-VmsCameraStream -RecordingTrack Secondary
# Get all enabled streams that are not used for recording.
$camera | Get-VmsCameraStream -RecordingTrack None
This example shows a few ways you can use the PlaybackDefault and RecordingTrack parameters which were introduced to support the adaptive playback feature introduced in 2023 R2.
Specifies one or more camera objects such as are returned by Get-VmsCamera.
Type: Camera[]
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False
Specifies that only enabled streams should be returned. This includes any stream that is used as the default live stream, recorded stream, or is otherwise added and displayed in the "Streams" tab for the camera in Management Client. It includes all streams that are configured for any kind of use by the VMS.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: Enabled
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Specifies that only the default live stream for the given camera should be returned.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: LiveDefault
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Specifies the name of the video stream as displayed in the Settings tab for the camera in Management Client.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: ByName
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Specifies that the returned stream should be the one currently used as the default playback stream.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: PlaybackDefault
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Specifies that the raw, internal values of settings should be returned instead of returning the display values seen in Management Client.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Specifies that only the recorded stream for the given camera should be returned.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: Recorded
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Return only the stream(s) using the specified recording track. The ability to record a second stream from the same camera on the same recording server was introduced in XProtect 2023 R2 and is called "Adaptive playback".
Type: String
Parameter Sets: RecordingTrack
Accepted values: Primary, Secondary, None
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.