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Creates a new view as a child item of the specified XProtect Smart Client view group.


Default (Default)

New-VmsView -ViewGroup <ViewGroup> [-Name] <String> [[-Cameras] <Camera[]>] [-StreamName <String>]


New-VmsView -ViewGroup <ViewGroup> [-Name] <String> [[-Cameras] <Camera[]>] [-Columns <Int32>] [-Rows <Int32>]


New-VmsView -ViewGroup <ViewGroup> [-Name] <String> [[-Cameras] <Camera[]>] [-LayoutDefinitionXml <String>]
 [-ViewItemDefinitionXml <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Creates a new XProtect Smart Client view in the specified view group and places cameras into the view if one or more camera objects are provided.

Views have a complex layout defined in XML, and this command offers advanced users an easy way to create new views with their own custom layout and view item definitions. However, the command also enables simple view creation without the need to construct or manipulate XML data.

The default parameter set will accept a collection of cameras, and automatically build a view with enough columns and rows. The simple layout generation has simple logic where the number of columns and rows will always be equal.

If you pass in four cameras, you will receive a 2x2 view layout and all view items will receive a camera. And if you pass in 5 cameras, a 3x3 view layout will be created, and only the first 5 view items will receive a camera, leaving four empty view items.

The custom parameter set will let you specify the cameras, and a number of columns and rows. The layout will then be generated for you and all cameras will be placed in the view if there are enough view items. If you pass in 10 cameras but specify only a 3x2 view layout, then the first 6 cameras will fill the view and the last four will be discarded with a warning.


  • Requires VMS connection and will attempt to connect automatically
  • Requires VMS version 21.1


Example 1

Connect-Vms -ShowDialog -AcceptEula
$topViewGroup = Get-VmsViewGroup | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single
$newViewGroup = $topViewGroup | New-VmsViewGroup -Name 'New-VmsView Test'
$cameras = Select-Camera -AllowFolders
$newView = $newViewGroup | New-VmsView -Name 'Example 1' -Camera $cameras

  DisplayName ViewSize Shortcut Id                          LastModified
  ----------- -------- -------- --                          ------------
  Example 1   25                184AB678-C9DC-4149-B925-... 2/18/2022 3:53:34 PM

After ensuring there is an open connection to the Management Server, we prompt for a view group selection, and then create a child group in the selected view group named "New-VmsView Test".

Then, we prompt for a selection of cameras to place in the view. Inside the new view group, we create a new view named "Example 1" large enough for all cameras and place the selected cameras into the view.

The new view object is then displayed in the terminal. There are more properties available on the view object than are displayed by default - these are only the most interesting and display-friendly properties.

Example 2

function BuildViewsFromCameraGroups {
        [int]$MaxViewSize = 4

    $ms = Get-VmsManagementServer

    $stack = [system.collections.generic.stack[hashtable]]::new()
    if ($null -eq $CameraGroups) {
        $CameraGroups = $ms.CameraGroupFolder.CameraGroups
    foreach ($group in $CameraGroups) {
                ParentViewGroup = $StartingGroup
                CameraGroup = $group

    while ($stack.Count -gt 0) {
        $entry = $stack.Pop()
        $vgParams = @{
            Name = $entry.CameraGroup.Name
            Parent = $entry.ParentViewGroup
            Force = $true
        $viewGroup = New-VmsViewGroup @vgParams

        if ($entry.CameraGroup.CameraFolder.Cameras.Count -gt 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $entry.CameraGroup.CameraFolder.Cameras.Count; $i += $MaxViewSize) {
                $start = $i
                $end   = [math]::min($i + $MaxViewSize, $entry.CameraGroup.CameraFolder.Cameras.Count) - 1
                $viewName = if ($start -eq 0 -and $end -eq $entry.CameraGroup.CameraFolder.Cameras.Count - 1) {
                } else {
                    '{0} {1}' -f $viewGroup.DisplayName, (($i / $MaxViewSize) + 1)
                $null = $viewGroup | New-VmsView -Name $viewName -Camera $entry.CameraGroup.CameraFolder.Cameras[$start..$end]

        foreach ($childGroup in $entry.CameraGroup.CameraGroupFolder.CameraGroups) {
                    ParentViewGroup = $viewGroup
                    CameraGroup = $childGroup

Connect-Vms -ShowDialog -AcceptEula -Force
$cameraGroups = Select-VideoOSItem -AllowFolders -HideServerTab -Kind ([VideoOS.Platform.Kind]::Camera) | Foreach-Object {
    try {
        $item = $_
        [VideoOS.Platform.ConfigurationItems.CameraGroup]::new($_.FQID.ServerId, "CameraGroup[$($item.FQID.ObjectId)]")
    } catch {
        Write-Error "Camera Group '$($item.Name)' not found."
$viewGroupName = Read-Host -Prompt "New view group name"
$viewgroup = New-VmsViewGroup -Name $viewGroupName -Force
BuildViewsFromCameraGroups -StartingGroup $viewgroup -CameraGroups $cameraGroups -MaxViewSize 9

This example prompts the user to login to the Management Server, and then select one or more camera groups. After receiving a new view group name from a prompt at the terminal, those camera groups are used as templates to generate view groups and views in a new top-level view group.



Specifies one or more cameras to place into the view.

Type: Camera[]
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: 2
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the number of columns the view should have. Think of columns and rows like a spreadsheet where each cell can contain a view item like a camera, map, or other type of view item.

Type: Int32
Parameter Sets: Custom

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the XML definition for the view layout. This is only needed if automating the creation of views with complex view layouts that cannot be accomplished by defining row and column counts. It is recommended to manually create a view in XProtect Smart Client, and then inspect the LayoutDefinitionXml for that view to see what format and information is required.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: Advanced

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the name of the new view. Names must be unique within a specific view group.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the number of rows the view should have. Think of columns and rows like a spreadsheet where each cell can contain a view item like a camera, map, or other type of view item.

Type: Int32
Parameter Sets: Custom

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the display name of the camera stream to use for live viewing by default. If no matching stream can be found for a given camera, the default live stream will be used.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: Default

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the parent view group within which the new view will be created.

Type: ViewGroup
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the XML definition for each view item in the view. This is only needed if automating the creation of views that have non-camera elements in them. It is recommended to manually create a view in XProtect Smart Client, and then inspect the ViewItemDefinitionXml for that view to see what format and information is required.

Type: String[]
Parameter Sets: Advanced

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.



